Collected Fictions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Collected Fictions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Monk Eastman, Purveyor of Iniquities," what does Eastman do to become a bouncer?
(a) Wins a rodeo.
(b) Arm wrestles the owner.
(c) Shows his marksmanship on a target.
(d) Beats up two men.

2. In "The Cult of the Phoenix," what objects are involved in their rituals?
(a) Bones.
(b) Cork, wax, and slime.
(c) Knives.
(d) Bibles.

3. In "The Lottery in Babylon," which of these best describes what is drawn for in the lottery?
(a) Anything from a new occupation to jail or even death.
(b) Various books, from the simplest mechanical manuals to the highest book, one purported to teach its reader how to become immortal.
(c) A new spouse.
(d) Cash prizes.

4. In "The South," what is Dahlmann challenged to do outside a bar?
(a) Have a knife fight.
(b) Wrestle.
(c) Win at horseshoes.
(d) Recite poetry.

5. In "The Aleph," what is the Aleph?
(a) The key to translating an unknown language.
(b) A mystical portal to visions of the past and present.
(c) A sword said to have belonged to Saladin.
(d) A strange bird.

6. In "Pierre Menard, Author of Quixote," Menard wishes to do what?
(a) Write a novel of his own, based on the future adventures of Quixote.
(b) Rewrite Don Quixote line by line.
(c) Prove that Don Quixote has no place in the canon of literature.
(d) Write a scholarly analysis of Don Quixote.

7. In "The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths," whom does the King of Babylon imprison in a labyrinth?
(a) The King of Arabia.
(b) A notorious murderer.
(c) His manservant.
(d) The King of England.

8. In "The South," where does Dahlmann go after he recovers from an illness?
(a) His ranch house.
(b) The United States.
(c) Mexico City.
(d) Peru.

9. In "Emma Zunz," why did Emma's father commit suicide?
(a) General despair.
(b) Bankruptcy.
(c) The crimes of Aaron Lowenthal.
(d) He had an incurable disease.

10. In "The Lottery in Babylon," who sometimes arbitrates the result of a lottery drawing?
(a) The populace does a general vote.
(b) A soothsayer who lives atop a mountain.
(c) The king.
(d) A panel of nine judges.

11. In "The Story of the Warrior and the Captive Maiden," what is the attitude of the English woman who has married an Indian?
(a) She has gone mad.
(b) She feigns assimilation with the Indians, but is still quite English.
(c) She despises Indians.
(d) She is thoroughly Indian herself now.

12. In "A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)," what is Tadeo's punishment for killing a man?
(a) He goes to jail.
(b) He is put into slavery.
(c) He is sent to the army.
(d) He is whipped.

13. In "The Zahir," what is his lover's sister obsessed with?
(a) A Blue Tiger.
(b) A coin.
(c) Hats.
(d) Clouds.

14. In "The House of Asterion," Asterion kills how many people?
(a) Asterion has killed no one.
(b) It's random.
(c) Nine men every nine years.
(d) 100 people a year.

15. In "A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)," what happens to Tadeo's attitude toward the fugitive he pursues?
(a) His hatred of the man grows, until he not only wants the man dead, he wants all his associates dead.
(b) He grows bored of the search and doesn't care one way or the other if the man escapes.
(c) He doggedly pursues him, and wants nothing else in life, but to catch the man.
(d) His desire to catch the man turns to empathy, and he wants to help the man.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv," Hakim is revealed to have what disease?

2. In "The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim," what does the law student think he has done that causes him to live in exile with India's most wretched populace?

3. What does the sorcerer discover at the end of "The Circular Ruins"?

4. In "The Theologians," why is John of Pannonia killed?

5. In "The Secret Miracle," how is Hladik eventually killed?

(see the answer keys)

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