Collected Fictions Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Collected Fictions Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Artifices: Part II.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Three Versions of Judas," what is the first version of Judas?
(a) The same traitorous version as the Bible.
(b) He was not actually involved in the Bible.
(c) He is God.
(d) He is the human side of Jesus.

2. In "The Cult of the Phoenix," what is the Cult of the Phoenix?
(a) A shadowy religious sect.
(b) A bird watching group, with their own language derived from the names of birds.
(c) A group that imagines they have exact counterparts in Arizona.
(d) A group devoted to the study of mythology.

3. In "Funes, His Memory," how is Funes crippled?
(a) A bookcase of heavy books topples on him.
(b) A horseback riding injury.
(c) He is shot.
(d) He falls from a roof.

4. In "The Shape of the Sword," what do we learn of Vincent Moon'?
(a) He is actually the very same man who tells the narrator the story of Moon's treachery.
(b) He never existed.
(c) He has died years back.
(d) He became a politican in Ireland.

5. In "A Survey of the Works of Herbert Quain," how does Quain react when he does have some artistic success?
(a) He is indifferent: he feels an artist should remain perfectly nuetral to how his work is received.
(b) He is elated and lives a life of literary celebrity.
(c) He is upset and writes some short stories with ruined endings.
(d) He strangely turns criminal and embarks on a life of petty crime.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Pierre Menard, Author of Quixote," which author is Menard most obsessed with?

2. In "Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv," Hakim's religious sect hates what things?

3. Thematically, "Pierre Menard, Author of Quixote" deals most closely with which of the following?

4. In "The South," what is Dahlmann challenged to do outside a bar?

5. In "The Shape of the Sword," John Vincent Moon is a traitor to what ideology?

(see the answer key)

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