Cold Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cold Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Ruby and Ada find when they arrive at Stobrod's camp?
(a) Both Stobrod and Pangle dead where they were shot.
(b) Pangle dead, but Stobrod still alive.
(c) Stobrod dead, but Pangle still alive.
(d) Neither Stobrod or Pangle.

2. What does Inman do to his companion's horse upon meeting up with another group of men?
(a) Inman forces Ruby's horse to gallop toward the approaching men.
(b) Inman forces Ada's horse to stop.
(c) Inman forces Stobrod's horse to gallop away.
(d) Inman forces Ruby's horse to gallop in the opposite direction.

3. What does Inman dream about in the chapter, A Vow to Bear?
(a) That he returns to Sara and becomes her husband.
(b) That he has returned to Cold Mountain to find Ada married to another man.
(c) That he has become a bear and is shot and skinned by hunters.
(d) That he has been killed in battle.

4. What does Ada hear that causes her to return to Inman?
(a) Stobrod's voice yelling for help.
(b) The distinctive sound of Inman's gun.
(c) Inman's voice yelling for help.
(d) A gun shot.

5. How do Ruby and Ada dress as they set out to find and bury the bodies of Stobrod and Pangle?
(a) In Stobrod's clothing.
(b) In the clothes of Ada's father.
(c) In military uniforms.
(d) In party gowns to possibly confuse the killers.

6. What reason does Stobrod give for wanting to live at Black Cove?
(a) He wants to make amends to his daughter for her poor childhood.
(b) The new leader of the outliers, the deserters, wants them to rob rich slave owners.
(c) The new leader of the deserters wants him to leave.
(d) The Home Guard will never think he is a deserter if he lives on a farm in the open.

7. Who comes to Sara's house the next morning after she and Inman share a bed?
(a) Three Federals.
(b) The local Home Guard.
(c) Several injured Confederates.
(d) The local law.

8. Who tells Ruby and Ada about the shooting of Stobrod and Pangle?
(a) One of the outliers.
(b) One of the men who shot them.
(c) The Georgia boy.
(d) The boy from Tennessee.

9. What does Ruby find in the trap she set in the cornfield?
(a) A Federal.
(b) A raccoon.
(c) A squirrel.
(d) Her father.

10. Who is Pangle?
(a) Ruby's brother.
(b) A gentle, child-like man and companion to Stobrod.
(c) A new cow Ruby brings home.
(d) Ada's cousin.

11. What instrument does Ada and Ruby's guest play?
(a) A banjo.
(b) A set of drums.
(c) A fiddle.
(d) A guitar.

12. What is taken from Sara's home during the visit by the men who come to Sara's while Inman is still asleep in her bed?
(a) Three chickens and the hog.
(b) Her infant.
(c) All her money and valuable possessions.
(d) Inman.

13. How does Ruby react to Inman's eventual arrival?
(a) Ruby is darkly jealous and refuses to allow him into their camp.
(b) Ruby is indifferent, except for a concern over the amount of food they must share with him.
(c) Ruby falls deeply in love and begins to flirt with Inman.
(d) Ruby insists Ada does not need a man.

14. What decision does Inman make about his outlier status?
(a) Inman decides to go to the Federals and pledge allegiance to the Union.
(b) Inman decides to return to the hospital from which he escaped.
(c) Inman decides to continue to hide until the war is over.
(d) Inman decides to return to active duty.

15. How did this person get his nickname?
(a) He was expected to have been a girl.
(b) He once broke an expensive vase.
(c) He was married to a woman named Inna.
(d) He was nearly beaten to death with a short, straight piece of wood.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Sara, a woman Inman meets in the chapter, Bride Bed Full of Blood?

2. How many people were originally in the grief stricken mother's family that Inman meets in the chapter, A Vow to Bear?

3. Who rides up and begins asking Strobrod and Pangle questions?

4. Where do Ruby and Ada spend the night as they set out to find Stobrod and Pangle?

5. How did this person come to compose his own music?

(see the answer keys)

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