Cold Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Cold Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cuts the face of Inman's companion for haggling too much over price?
(a) The shopkeeper.
(b) The prostitute named Tildy.
(c) The barkeeper.
(d) The inn keeper.

2. What character in the story Ada reads to Ruby does Ruby believe resembles her father?
(a) Sir Gawain.
(b) Lancelot.
(c) Odysseus.
(d) Beowulf.

3. What does Ruby suggest Ada sell to generate some money to help them survive the winter?
(a) Either the house or a few acres of land.
(b) Either the piano or the cabriolet.
(c) Either the coffee or the tabacco crop.
(d) Either the hog or the horse.

4. What is the purpose of the spell Inman speaks?
(a) To cause an enemy to catch a terrible, disfiguring illness.
(b) To cause one's enemies to go to Nightland alone, covered in dog excrement, and blue with despair.
(c) To cause an enemy to die in his sleep.
(d) To send an enemy to jail for their crimes.

5. What crime does this farmer believe his wife has committed?
(a) Murder.
(b) Adultery.
(c) Robbery of a local store.
(d) Prostitution.

6. What skill does Ada not have that she might need to survive on her own?
(a) Ada cannot cook.
(b) Ada cannot sew.
(c) Ada cannot milk a cow.
(d) Ada cannot grow vegetables.

7. Who is Claire Duchutes?
(a) Monroe's mother.
(b) Ruby's mother.
(c) Inman's mother.
(d) Ada's mother.

8. What happens to Veasey and Inman after they leave the farmer's home?
(a) They are shot by the Home Guard.
(b) They are placed in a new army regiment.
(c) They are forced to pledge allegiance to the Union.
(d) They are put in jail.

9. What does the young man who takes Ada away during the party tell her?
(a) That he is afraid of being killed in battle.
(b) That he is in love with her.
(c) That he wants to be a preacher one day.
(d) That he wants to be president of the new Confederacy.

10. Why does Inman believe the person he sees at Deep River is up to no good?
(a) The person appears nervous and incoherent.
(b) The person blushes when questioned.
(c) The person has a weapon.
(d) There is a person bundled up on the back of his horse.

11. Why did Ada's father choose Cold Mountain over a spa or other appropriate situation?
(a) Ada's father loved Cold Mountain.
(b) Ada's father believed it was his calling to preach to the mountain people.
(c) Ada's father wanted to be close to the Indians indiginous to the area.
(d) Ada's father felt the weather of Cold Mountain would be better than any other place.

12. What contest do Ada and Ruby have one night in the chapter, In Place of the Truth?
(a) A story writing competition.
(b) A horse riding competition.
(c) A milking competition.
(d) A hair braiding competition.

13. What does Inman take with him when he leaves the hospital at the end of the first chapter?
(a) Inman takes a book and money he took from his neighbor who has died.
(b) Inman takes his readied haversack and the manuscript Balis was working on.
(c) Inman takes nothing but a change of clothes.
(d) Inman takes his readied haversack and a picture he admired that belonged to his now dead neighbor.

14. Why does Ada decide not to return to Charleston after her father's death?
(a) Ada feels Cold Mountain is the only place where she belongs.
(b) Ada has bad memories of her childhood in Charleston.
(c) Ada does not like her relatives in Charleston.
(d) Ada feels she has nothing to go back to.

15. What is the name of the farmer who invites Inman and Veasey to spend the night at his farm after they help him remove a dead bull from the river?
(a) Balis.
(b) Frank.
(c) George.
(d) Junior.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the farmer insist Inman do with his wife after catching them in a lover's embrace?

2. How is Teague dressed?

3. While cooking corn mash, Inman smells what downstream?

4. As Inman continues his journey, who does he come across who helps him?

5. What does Ada decide to sell in order to generate some money to help them through winter?

(see the answer keys)

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