Cold Mountain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Cold Mountain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Spirits of Crows, Dancing".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ruby suggest Ada sell to generate some money to help them survive the winter?
(a) Either the house or a few acres of land.
(b) Either the coffee or the tabacco crop.
(c) Either the hog or the horse.
(d) Either the piano or the cabriolet.

2. What does Inman do to the farmer who sold him and Veasey?
(a) Steals away his wife.
(b) Clubs him to death with his gun.
(c) Sends the law to his house.
(d) Shoots him.

3. What character in the story Ada reads to Ruby does Ruby believe resembles her father?
(a) Sir Gawain.
(b) Odysseus.
(c) Lancelot.
(d) Beowulf.

4. Which of Teague's men argues that they need to bring in a living prisoner?
(a) Ayron.
(b) Byron.
(c) Birch.
(d) Thewes.

5. How is Teague dressed?
(a) Like a preacher.
(b) Like a law man.
(c) Like a soldier.
(d) Like a mountain man.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Veasey believe they should do with the saw?

2. What noise attracts Inman to Ada and Ruby's camp?

3. What causes Stobrod and his companions to become ill in the chapter Naught and Grief?

4. What does Inman read about in the newspaper while in town?

5. How did this person get his nickname?

(see the answer key)

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