Cold Comfort Farm Test | Final Test - Easy

Stella Gibbons
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cold Comfort Farm Test | Final Test - Easy

Stella Gibbons
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who plans to motor down to Cold Comfort Farm in the next couple days?
(a) Charles.
(b) Earl P. Neck.
(c) Mr. Meyer.
(d) Mr. Goldwyn.

2. What does Flora supervise?
(a) A massive cleaning of Cold Comfort Farm.
(b) The wedding plans of Mr. Mybug and Rennet.
(c) The sewing of Elfine's wedding dress.
(d) The new sheep being off-loaded.

3. Why is Flora both relieved and excited?
(a) That Richard announced his engagement to Elfine.
(b) That Elfine receives the lady-in-waiting position.
(c) That Elfine is expecting because they were afraid she was sterile.
(d) That Charles is there.

4. Who sends a postcard full of enthusiasm to Cold Comfort Farm?
(a) Mr. Mybug.
(b) Elfine.
(c) Amos.
(d) Seth.

5. Which Starkadder does Flora encounter in Howling?
(a) Judith.
(b) Amos.
(c) Harkaway.
(d) Seth.

6. What does Flora send to Judith?
(a) Two tickets to the opera.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A Vogue magazine.
(d) Five red, dirty shawls and some money.

7. What happens to Elfine's hair?
(a) It is cut elegantly short.
(b) It is dyed a golden blond.
(c) It is curled and stacked on top her head.
(d) It is straightened.

8. What does Flora wonder about the sukebind on the mantle?
(a) If it is the thing that is so aromatic.
(b) If it is poisonous.
(c) If it is symbolic of something.
(d) If when the sukebind buds open, all the trouble begins.

9. Who does Urk say he'll marry?
(a) Elfine.
(b) Flora.
(c) Nettie.
(d) Miriam.

10. What does the Starkadder tell Flora that is disconcerting?
(a) That he is running away to London.
(b) That she is running away to London.
(c) There are other Starkadder females in the area.
(d) That he is slated to marry Flora.

11. How will the nest with four pink eggs help Elfine?
(a) They will reflect back her lovliness to Richard.
(b) They are Faberge eggs and worth much money.
(c) They will remind her of her days of whimsy.
(d) It will help her have four children.

12. About what is Adam in shock?
(a) Elfine's wedding plans.
(b) The Bull being in the pasture.
(c) The new dish mop has disappeared.
(d) Flora buys him a necktie.

13. What does Flora throw herself into doing?
(a) Changing Elfine into a "society" type.
(b) Learning all aspects of farm life.
(c) Finding Amos a job.
(d) Saving money so she can get off the farm.

14. What day is it at the opening to this chapter?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Saturday.

15. What does Flora want to know from Aunt Ada Doom?
(a) Why Aunt Ada Doom wasted her life.
(b) Nothing.
(c) How Flora's father was wronged.
(d) What she really saw in the woodshed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aunt Ada Doom keep thinking?

2. Why does Aunt Ada Doom say they must get on with the feast?

3. What does Adam sing as he milks the cows?

4. Of what does the atmosphere in the family gathering remind Flora?

5. How is the church decorated?

(see the answer keys)

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