Code Name Verity Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth E. Wein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Code Name Verity Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth E. Wein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What words does Julie repeat again and again at the final end of her writings in captivity?
(a) I did what I had to do.
(b) Kiss me, Hardy.
(c) I have told the truth.
(d) I am free.

2. Who gives Etienne the bruises and scrapes he has in Part IV?
(a) Anna Engel.
(b) Von Linden.
(c) Julie.
(d) Roland.

3. Why are Maddie's legs stronger than they have ever been in Part IV?
(a) She has been doing special physical training for her parachute mission coming up.
(b) She has been running from the enemy.
(c) She has been lifting weights.
(d) She has been cycling all over Damask.

4. What rattles Queenie in Part III during her work for the SOE?
(a) She nearly could not find the plane to take her home from France.
(b) A German prisoner tried to choke her.
(c) She was almost shot by her own people.
(d) She almost shot herself by accident by leaving the safety off her gun.

5. Which son of the Thibaut family works for the Gestapo?
(a) Henri.
(b) Robert.
(c) Etienne.
(d) Roland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What accent does Queenie say she can fake better than a German one in Part III?

2. How much money does Queenie take with her on her mission?

3. What does the Thibaut family say about Maddie's presence there, especially since she does not speak much French?

4. What is Von Linden's daughter's name?

5. Why is Maddie so sore after the plane crash?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Paul say in front of the French photographer that makes Maddie even more angry?

2. What does Jamie do when Paul says something inappropriate and disrespectful of Maddie?

3. Why is Queenie shaken after an interrogation in Part III that she runs?

4. Who does the Gestapo allow to interview Queenie, and why do they allow this?

5. Why does Queenie wait until the end of the flight to reveal to Maddie who she is in Part III?

6. What happens to Maddie's plane after she crash-lands in Ormaie?

7. What does Queenie see in the pictures that the Gestapo give her?

8. What are Nikolas Ferber's instructions regarding Julie?

9. What happens to Maddie's and Queenie's plane in Part III when they fly to France?

10. How does Maddie feel about Paul?

(see the answer keys)

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