Code Name Verity Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth E. Wein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Code Name Verity Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth E. Wein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Von Linden do before the war?
(a) Headmaster.
(b) Farmer.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Accountant.

2. Why are Maddie's legs stronger than they have ever been in Part IV?
(a) She has been running from the enemy.
(b) She has been cycling all over Damask.
(c) She has been doing special physical training for her parachute mission coming up.
(d) She has been lifting weights.

3. Whose last words does Julie consider ending her writing with?
(a) Thomas Mann's.
(b) Hettie Dainel's.
(c) Edith Cavell's.
(d) Marshall Mather's.

4. When does Maddie really begin to think Julie has been captured by the Gestapo?
(a) When she has a dream about Julie.
(b) When she meets a photographer friendly with the resistance who tells her the Nazis are holding "a British airman."
(c) When her commanding officer tells her Julie has almost definitely been captured.
(d) When she hears Julie's voice through the bars at the hotel.

5. What is Von Linden's daughter's name?
(a) Isolde.
(b) Frieda.
(c) Christiana.
(d) Jennifer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gives Maddie some hope that Julie is OK at first when she lands in Ormaie?

2. Which son of the Thibaut family works for the Gestapo?

3. What does Queenie ask Von Linden in Part III that makes him very angry?

4. Where does everyone listen for code telling them of their assignments?

5. How long is the average life expectancy of an SOE operator in enemy territory?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Maddie so worried about Julie after she crash-lands in Ormaie?

2. Why is Queenie shaken after an interrogation in Part III that she runs?

3. What does Jamie do when Paul says something inappropriate and disrespectful of Maddie?

4. What does Paul say in front of the French photographer that makes Maddie even more angry?

5. Why is Maddie so distraught that she has Julie's identity papers?

6. Where does Maddie desperately want to fly in Part III, and why?

7. Who does Maddie stay with in Ormaie?

8. What does Queenie see in the pictures that the Gestapo give her?

9. What happens to Maddie's and Queenie's plane in Part III when they fly to France?

10. What surprises Queenie about Von Linden the more she finds out about his personal life in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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