Cloud, Castle, Lake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cloud, Castle, Lake Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does the Bureau's song recommend should be "killed" by a walk in the countryside with "the good, the hearty guys" (9)?
(a) The artist.
(b) The loner.
(c) The outsider.
(d) The hermit.

2. What technique is used in the phrase "Wispy clouds—greyhounds of heaven" (6)?
(a) Synechdoche.
(b) Metonymy.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Allegory.

3. How does Ivanovich get to the train on the morning of his departure?
(a) He takes a streetcar.
(b) He walks.
(c) The narrator drives him.
(d) He takes a taxi.

4. Who wrote the book that Ivanovich opens on the train?
(a) De Viau.
(b) Donne.
(c) Goethe.
(d) Tiutchev.

5. Which of the following describes the group leader accurately?
(a) He is missing one front tooth.
(b) He has unusually long hair.
(c) He is badly sunburned.
(d) He has eyes of two different colors.

6. What is Ivanovich expected to carry during the second day of the tour?
(a) His own boots.
(b) Sausage.
(c) An extra rucksack.
(d) Bread.

7. What is the "unusual expression" of the lake's water (14)?
(a) Ripples that seem to follow Ivanovich along the shore.
(b) An oddly red color.
(c) A cloud reflected in its center.
(d) Waves moving away from the shore instead of towards it.

8. What does Ivanovich feel is happening as the first night of the tour wears on?
(a) The other group members are starting to dislike Schramm.
(b) The group leader is losing power to Schramm.
(c) The others are melding together into one collective being.
(d) The others are becoming more tolerant of his eccentricities.

9. What is the tour group doing in the passage that says "they raised dust along a highway" (12)?
(a) Riding in a car.
(b) Walking.
(c) Digging.
(d) Fighting.

10. What detail of Ivanovich's appearance seems to impress the narrator?
(a) His athletic physique.
(b) His healthy complexion.
(c) His neatly trimmed hair.
(d) His elegant clothing.

11. The narrator describes a hill covered with "verdure"; what is this hill covered with?
(a) Flourishing plants.
(b) Sprouting plants.
(c) Rotting plants.
(d) Cultivated plants.

12. How late is Ivanovich running on the morning the tour leaves?
(a) 1 minute.
(b) 18 minutes.
(c) 12 minutes.
(d) 3 minutes.

13. Where is Ivanovich told he will need to get a "certificate of non-absence from the city for the summertime" (3)?
(a) From his physician.
(b) From the police.
(c) From the Bureau of Pleasantrips.
(d) From his employer.

14. What is the job of the older man who talks to Ivanovich about Russia?
(a) Paper manufacturer.
(b) Accountant.
(c) Produce distributor.
(d) Post-office clerk.

15. From context, what is the likely meaning of the word "dactyl" in "On the other side...towered, arising from dactyl to dactyl, an ancient black castle" (14)?
(a) A type of stone used in medieval constructions.
(b) An image found in a metrical foot of poetry.
(c) An architectural figure of a bird.
(d) A tower in the shape of a digit, like a toe or finger.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the text's language change when the group gets off the train at the last stop on the first day?

2. In the phrase "several people, alas, were taking part in the excursion," what is the word "alas" meant to convey (4)?

3. In the description of the "mother-of-pearl claws on his dirty toes," what is the man with whom Ivanovich spends the night being compared to (12)?

4. What instrument does one of the men insist on teaching Ivanovich to play?

5. What technique is used in the sentence "The burning sun crept toward a corner of the window and suddenly spilled over the yellow bench" (6)?

(see the answer keys)

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