Cloud, Castle, Lake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cloud, Castle, Lake Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Cloud, Castle, Lake".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does the Bureau's song recommend should be "killed" by a walk in the countryside with "the good, the hearty guys" (9)?
(a) The artist.
(b) The hermit.
(c) The loner.
(d) The outsider.

2. What relationship does Vasili Ivanovich have to the story's narrator?
(a) He is a man whom the narrator met on a group tour.
(b) He is the man who was once in love with the narrator's wife.
(c) He is the narrator's former employee.
(d) He is the narrator's brother-in-law.

3. What does Ivanovich feel is happening as the first night of the tour wears on?
(a) The others are melding together into one collective being.
(b) The others are becoming more tolerant of his eccentricities.
(c) The other group members are starting to dislike Schramm.
(d) The group leader is losing power to Schramm.

4. Who is depicted "in a low-cut gown" on page 4?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Fate.
(c) Temperance.
(d) Justice.

5. What does Ivanovich do to distract himself from "the absurdity and horror of the situation" (6)?
(a) Looks out the window at the scenery.
(b) Plays solitaire.
(c) Reads his book.
(d) Tries to fall asleep.

Short Answer Questions

1. How late is Ivanovich running on the morning the tour leaves?

2. Including Ivanovich and the Bureau employees, how many people are in the tour group?

3. In the exclamation "How I hate you, our daily!" what technique is being used (13)?

4. What technique is used in the phrase "toward a train lurking behind other trains"?

5. After dinner, what do the other tour members insist that Ivanovich do?

(see the answer key)

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