Cloud Atlas Test | Final Test - Medium

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Cloud Atlas Test | Final Test - Medium

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Cavendish get taken, after he is found on the phone at Aurora House?
(a) A doctor's office.
(b) A cell.
(c) His room.
(d) The attic.

2. Who finds Cavendish on the phone at Aurora House?
(a) Longfellow.
(b) Withers.
(c) Pawston.
(d) Rachet.

3. What group is Hae-Joo-Im part of?
(a) The Hammers.
(b) The Revolution.
(c) The Union.
(d) The Revolt.

4. What is the name of the fabricant nursery that Hae-Joo and Sonmi spend the night at?
(a) Heliopolis.
(b) The Farm.
(c) The Bank.
(d) Hydra.

5. Where does Cavendish leave the contact information for the author of "Half Lives"?
(a) In a safe.
(b) In his office.
(c) With his brother.
(d) On the train.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tribe abducts Zachry's brother?

2. What is the name of the slum that Hae-Joo and Sonmi escape to?

3. Who is Sonmi's counterpart to the Valleymen?

4. Why does Frobisher want to go to the nearby World War I cemetery?

5. How long is Meronym staying with the Valleymen?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Frobisher learns that Ayrs "borrows" a refrain from Frobisher's work, what is Ayrs' reponse?

2. What happens to Cavendish's brother, Denholme, while Cavendish is in Aurora House?

3. How does the story of Zarchry begin?

4. What are the "souls" that Sonmi and Hae-Joo get in Haumdonggil?

5. What happens to Luisa after her car gets pushed into the water?

6. How does Hae-Joo get Sonmi on the Golden Ark where she can see what is happening?

7. Why is Fay Li waiting for Luisa at the bank vault?

8. Why does Napier protect Luisa?

9. What does Cavendish decide to do after escaping from Aurora House?

10. As Sonmi and Hae-Joo flee the university, what happens to Hae-Joo's aide?

(see the answer keys)

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