Cloud Atlas Test | Final Test - Easy

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Cloud Atlas Test | Final Test - Easy

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Zachry when the Prescients propose that one of their own go live with the Valleymen?
(a) Seventeen.
(b) Eighteen.
(c) Nineteen.
(d) Sixteen.

2. Where does Cavendish get taken, after he is found on the phone at Aurora House?
(a) The attic.
(b) A cell.
(c) His room.
(d) A doctor's office.

3. What does Luisa go to the record shop to pick up?
(a) Cloud Atlas Etude.
(b) Cloud Atlas Sextet.
(c) Cloud Atlas Symphony.
(d) Cloud Atlas in D Minor.

4. Where does Cavendish's brother drown?
(a) In a lake.
(b) In a fish pond.
(c) In the tub.
(d) In a river.

5. What does the man mutter as he throws the fabricant doll into the river?
(a) "What a relief."
(b) "Thank goodness."
(c) "Good riddance."
(d) "Best it is gone."

6. Where does Cavendish find his letter, torn to bits?
(a) On his bed.
(b) In his Christmas dinner.
(c) In a Christmas stocking.
(d) In a Christmas present.

7. How much money does the Sixsmith report earn Fay?
(a) Five million.
(b) Six million.
(c) Seven million.
(d) Eight million.

8. When Frobisher arrives at Eva's host family's home in Bruges, after leaving Ayrs, what is Eva in the midst of?
(a) A party.
(b) A work interview.
(c) A dress fitting.
(d) A job.

9. What does Ernie use the phone to do?
(a) Check weather information.
(b) Check his banking account.
(c) Check in with his children.
(d) Check sports scores.

10. How long is Meronym staying with the Valleymen?
(a) Four years.
(b) Two years.
(c) One year.
(d) Three years.

11. What is the title of the Valleymen's leader?
(a) Mistress.
(b) Queen.
(c) Abbess.
(d) Chanceloress.

12. How many ascended fabricants does the revolutionary movement want in its army?
(a) Nine million.
(b) Six million.
(c) Eight million.
(d) Seven million.

13. Why does Frobisher want to go to the nearby World War I cemetery?
(a) To find his nephew's grave.
(b) To find his son's grave.
(c) To find his brother's grave.
(d) To find his father's grave.

14. What do Ernie, Veronice and Cavendish share in their hideout?
(a) Burbon.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Vodka.
(d) Brandy.

15. What is the name of the fabricant nursery that Hae-Joo and Sonmi spend the night at?
(a) Hydra.
(b) The Farm.
(c) The Bank.
(d) Heliopolis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name for the microchip implanted in all naturally-born fingers that allows them passage from one area to another?

2. Sonmi is from what location?

3. Ernie warns Cavendish to be careful, or else there is something put in what?

4. Who is Georgette to Cavendish?

5. While Cavendish recovers, he reads "Half Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery" and decides it makes a good what?

(see the answer keys)

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