Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Capuzzo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Close to Shore: The Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hearing about the attacks, ichthyologist John Nichols drove from New York City to the Matawan Creek. Where did he stop first?

2. What was done to keep swimmers safe in the Asbury Park area?

3. What was wrong with the North Atlantic region for the shark?

4. What did Fisher set up so the boy's body wouldn't wash out to sea?

5. Dr. Herbert Cooley at Keyport tended to Joseph when he was brought ashore. Joseph's ______________ received a large bite. The doctor treated the wound and had Joseph rushed to the hospital.

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the boys react to Lester Stilwell being pull under by the shark? Was this a good idea? Why or why not?

2. What proof does Chapter 11 give to suggest this was a young shark?

3. Describe the health of the average great white. How does this compare to the juvenile shark that attacked in 1916?

4. Describe what took place on July 7, 1916.

5. After the attack on Charles Bruder, what happened to the news regarding the shark? Why did this happen?

6. What did Fisher set up in the creek? Why did he do this?

7. What did Lucas and others think about the idea of man-eating sharks? How did they support this belief?

8. What might have drawn the shark to the shark-patrol boat? Why?

9. What was done to try to catch the shark? Why did people react this way?

10. What might have caused the shark to head north?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Several hunts took place to find the man-eating shark.

Part 1) Describe one of these hunts. Who organized this hunt? How was this hunt operated? What information about sharks and other creatures did the men have when organizing this hunt?

Part 2) How successful was this hunt? Explain. How could this hunt have been more efficient and organized?

Part 3) Compare the hunts to each other. Which hunt was more successful? Why was it more successful?

Essay Topic 2

This book begins with Charles Vansant swimming in the ocean.

Part 1) What feelings does this chapter evoke in the reader? How are these feelings continued throughout the book? What is the purpose of these feelings? How might these feelings influence the reader regarding his or her view of Great Whites?

Part 2) Why does the author choose to tell Charles' story in several chapters, separated by other chapters about sharks? What is the purpose of mixing stories of shark attacks with objective information about the life of a shark?

Part 3) How does the author seem to feel about sharks? Why might he feel this way? Use the book to support your response. How do you feel about sharks after reading this book? Why do you feel this way?

Essay Topic 3

A Great White shark's appetite is difficult to sate.

Part 1) How is this statement supported by information in this book? Why is its appetite so difficult to sate? How does this guide the shark in its daily life? How might this have played a role in its attacks on humans?

Part 2) Besides its hunger, what else guided the shark towards the shore and humans? Could this have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why not? Are attacks by Great Whites a large threat? Why or why not? What can humans do to protect themselves?

Part 3) Can Great Whites and humans coexist? If so, how? If not, why not? What can be done by mankind to improve the Great White's living conditions so that it will not come close to shore and attack humans?

(see the answer keys)

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