Clockwork Princess Test | Final Test - Medium

Cassandra Clare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clockwork Princess Test | Final Test - Medium

Cassandra Clare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Sophie sits by Jem’s bedside in Chapter 13: “The Mind Has Mountains,” the narrator says that Jem speaks aloud occasionally in his sleep but in what language?
(a) Welsh.
(b) Mandarin.
(c) Elvin.
(d) Spanish.

2. What is the name of the goddess that is depicted on the box that held Jem’s medicine, as revealed by Jem in Chapter 23: “Than Any Evil”?
(a) Kwan Yin.
(b) Phoebe.
(c) Cassandra.
(d) Daphne.

3. Charlotte responds to Aloysius Starkweather’s story in Chapter 15: “Stars, Hide Your Fires” by saying that “the offspring of demons and Shadowhunters are” what?
(a) “Sterile.”
(b) “Cannibals.”
(c) “Sacrificed.”
(d) “Stillborn.”

4. What is the location listed for Cecily’s parents in the letter that she sends to them in Chapter 17: “Only Noble to be Good”?
(a) West Riding, Yorkshire.
(b) Dublin, Ireland.
(c) Gloucester, Scotland.
(d) Paris, France.

5. As Cicely sits in the training room after being told that Charlotte has sent for the Silent Brothers in Chapter 13: “The Mind Has Mountains,” the narrator says “Part of her mind was there in the Institute, but the rest was with Will: on the back of a horse, leaning into the wind, riding hell-for-leather over the roads that separated London from” where?
(a) “Chiswick.”
(b) “York.”
(c) “Dolgellau.”
(d) “Dublin.”

Short Answer Questions

1. Of Gabriel Lightwood, the narrator says in Chapter 20: “The Infernal Devices,” that “he had been trained in the longsword by a master who could trace his own masters back to” whom?

2. What room at the London Institute is said to be the one that most reminds Will of Jem in Chapter 23: “Than Any Evil”?

3. Cwm Cau is described in Chapter 18: “For This Alone” as a small valley atop the mountain in whose heart rests what clear glacial lake?

4. In Chapter 18: “For This Alone,” the narrator compares Will to “Tristan watching across the Irish Sea for the ship that would bear” who back to him?

5. What creatures attack Will when he is slumped outside of the stable at the inn in Chapter 14: “Parabatai”?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Will Herondale come to the realization of Jem’s “death” in Chapter 14: “Parabatai”?

2. How is Tessa’s condition described in Chapter 22: "Thunder in the Trumpet"? What does Will suggest will help her?

3. What is the outcome for Will and Tessa in Chapter 24: "The Measure of Love"?

4. How is the farewell between Jem and his friends described in Chapter 23: "Than Any Evil"?

5. What is Magnus Bane’s lineage? How old is Magnus Bane?

6. Why does Gideon Lightwood suggest that Sophie Collins undergo Ascension in the narrative?

7. Who is John Shade and what is revealed of his past in Chapter 14: “Parabatai”?

8. How is Tessa’s life after Will’s death described in Chapter 24: "The Measure of Love"?

9. How is Tessa’s clockwork angel described? What are the pendant’s origins?

10. What does Charlotte say in her letter after Gabriel’s confession in Chapter 17: "Only Noble To Be Good"?

(see the answer keys)

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