The Client Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Client Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who delivers the grand jury subpoenas to the U.S. Marshal in Memphis?
(a) Fink.
(b) Foltrigg.
(c) Boxx.
(d) Nance.

2. Why does Mark want to go to New Orleans?
(a) To visit the French Quarter.
(b) To get some good gumbo before the mafia kills him.
(c) To see the Astrodome.
(d) To see if the body is really where Romey said it was.

3. Where do Mark and his mom consider moving to as part of the witness protection program?
(a) Portland.
(b) Oklahoma.
(c) Anchorage.
(d) Concord.

4. Who does Foltrigg admit to harassing in Chapter 31?
(a) Judge Harry.
(b) Fink.
(c) Reggie.
(d) Muldanno.

5. Who does the FBI decide to watch, hoping to get a clue as to where Mark is?
(a) Momma Love.
(b) Judge Harry.
(c) Diane.
(d) Reggie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do officers attempt to serve Reggie's grand jury subpoena?

2. Who follows Mark to Romey's garage in Chapter 38?

3. What does the witness do to interrupt the body retrievers?

4. Which state is the first place Reggie and Mark decide to go?

5. What is the allowance Mrs. Sway is to receive under Reggie's agreement?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how the FBI is informed of the exact location of the senator's body.

2. What three questions concern the FBI when they learn of Mark's disappearance from the hospital?

3. Discuss the two hearings that Judge Harry calls in Chapter 29.

4. What is Mrs. Sway told when she asks why the FBI doesn't just go arrest the mafia men, and what realization does she have?

5. Describe Mark's feelings as he and Reggie ride to the New Orleans airport.

6. Explain how Mark foils the three mafia men's attempt to dig up Senator Boyette's body.

7. Having failed to retrieve the senator's body, what does the mafia plan to do now?

8. Explain how Mark created symptoms to get himself sent to the hospital.

9. What are the terms Reggie outlines to the FBI in exchange for the location of the senator's body?

10. Discuss Reggie's phone call to the FBI upon returning to the hotel from Romey's house. How does she convey a sense of urgency to Agent Trumann?

(see the answer keys)

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