The Client Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Client Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What slip of the tongue almost gives away Mark's lies to the investigating officer?
(a) Mark brags about stealing the dead man's wallet.
(b) Mark says the dead man talked to him.
(c) Mark talks about the dead man's secret.
(d) Mark calls the dead man by his name.

2. How does Mark temporarily get away from his interview with the FBI?
(a) He bolts for the door.
(b) He says he's tired and needs a nap.
(c) He asks for a cola.
(d) He asks to go to the restroom.

3. Who is anxiously awaiting a call from Fink following Judge Harry's court?
(a) Muldanno.
(b) Clifford.
(c) Mrs. Sway.
(d) Foltrigg.

4. What does Mark see late at night when he spends the night at Reggie's house?
(a) Reggie taking a bunch of sleeping pills.
(b) A scary movie on cable.
(c) A watch.
(d) A man pacing in front of her house.

5. What does Mark initially tell the cops about Romey's death?
(a) Mark says Romey told him a secret.
(b) Mark tells the cops that he shot Romey.
(c) Mark says he found the man dead and never heard a shot.
(d) Mark tells them the whole truth.

Short Answer Questions

1. After witnessing Romey's death, what happens when the two boys get home?

2. What does Romey tell his old law school classmate when he calls him?

3. When will Trumann's plan be put into action?

4. What two difficult tasks are the FBI and the district attorney's office faced with in Chapter 13?

5. Which company does Chester Tanfill own?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Reggie do when she learns that Diane has been fired?

2. Describe Trumann's brilliant idea for making Mark talk if the juvenile hearing fails to do so.

3. Discuss Mrs. Sway's concern about the witness protection program.

4. Mark grapples with the idea of lying on the stand. Why does he decide not to lie?

5. How does Mark react when he learns that Reggie is a woman, and how does her gender affect his decision to "hire" her?

6. As Foltrigg and his crew wait for Mark to talk, they begin researching their legal options. What are their options?

7. How does Mark dodge the important question during his hearing, and what is the result?

8. Foltrigg is naturally upset not to get the desired results from Mark's juvenile court hearing. Why does he regain excitement quickly?

9. Why is the media coverage of Romey's funeral unexpected, and why does it occur?

10. How does Mark make the detention center attendant feel sorry for him when he returns to his cell following his juvenile hearing? What does he get out of the pity?

(see the answer keys)

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