Cleopatra and Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Hard

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Cleopatra and Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Hard

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 13: "Late March," why does Cleo say that she wishes she was joking during the argument between her and Frank?

2. In Chapter 12: "Still March," why does Anders cry?

3. In Chapter 11: "Early March," what does Cleo feel when she enters the hothouse at the gardening store?

4. In Chapter 12: "Still March," why does Santiago visit the airport chapel?

5. In Chapter 7: "Late September," what is the setting at the beginning of the chapter?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7: "Late September," how does the reunion between Cleo and Frank represent a turning point in the chapter's narrative, and what does it signify for their relationship?

2. In Chapter 10: "February," in what ways does the discussion between Anders and Christine about their son, Jonah, reflect their evolving relationship and the theme of parenthood in the chapter?

3. In Chapter 9: "January," examine the role of the sugar glider in the chapter. How does its fate serve as a metaphor for the challenges in Frank and Cleo's relationship?

4. In Chapter 9: "January," analyze the significance of Cleo's involvement in the art school tuition protest. How does her commitment to activism reflect her character and values?

5. In Chapter 8: "October," what does the awkward introduction and mistaken name exchange between Cleo and Frank's wife reveal about Cleo's sense of identity and her relationship with Frank?

6. In Chapter 12: "Still March," what significance does the airport chapel hold for Santiago, and how does his visit reflect his inner journey and quest for personal growth?

7. In Chapter 10: "February," what does Anders' initial terror and later longing for a more open relationship with Cleo reveal about the complexities of his emotions and the consequences of his affair?

8. In Chapter 13: "Late March," how does alcohol serve as a coping mechanism for Frank and what does it reveal about his character and emotional state?

9. In Chapter 10: "February," how does the job opportunity in LA symbolize Anders' internal conflict and his considerations for the future, especially in relation to his relationship with Cleo and his son Jonah?

10. In Chapter 8: "October," how does the conversation between Cleo and Frank during their walk in the snow-covered park connect to the themes of Jewish heritage and permanence?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Chapter 6: "Early September," how does the symbolism of Miriam's jewelry collection in the chapter reflect her character and the dynamics within Cleo's family, and how does it contribute to the overall theme of strained relationships and self-absorption?

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter 5: "Late August," explore the themes of vulnerability and connection in this chapter. How does Zoe's experience at the Climaxing to Consciousness group shed light on her quest for meaning and intimacy, and what insights does it provide into the human need for genuine connection in the modern world?

Essay Topic 3

In Chapter 16: "August," how does Cleo's relationship with her family, particularly her mother, influence her decisions and actions throughout the chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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