Cleopatra and Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cleopatra and Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12: "Still March," why is Santiago unable to spend much time with Anders during the first two days?
(a) Because he is traveling.
(b) Because he is avoiding Anders.
(c) Due to his work at the restaurant.
(d) Because he is sick.

2. In Chapter 11: "Early March," what is Cleo's motive for going to the gardening store?
(a) She needs to replace a blue orchid.
(b) She wants to buy flowers for a friend.
(c) She is looking for gardening tools.
(d) She is meeting someone there.

3. In Chapter 8: "October," how does the snow-covered park at the end of the chapter connect to the chapter's themes?
(a) It reflects themes of renewal and transformation.
(b) It represents Cleo's indifference to her surroundings.
(c) It symbolizes Cleo's avoidance of change.
(d) It signifies Cleo's desire to leave the past behind.

4. In Chapter 9: "January," what does Cleo create for the protest?
(a) A sign that reads, "Make Art Not Debt!"
(b) A sculpture of Frank.
(c) A mural of her pet sugar glider.
(d) A banner that says, "I Love South Africa."

5. How does Cleo feel when she spots Cleo, Frank's wife, at the office holiday party?
(a) Angry and confrontational.
(b) Enthusiastic and relieved.
(c) Eager to introduce herself.
(d) Awkward and uncomfortable.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news does Frank share with Cleo after winning the Kapow! account?

2. In Chapter 7: "Late September," what ultimately prompts Cleo to leave the makeshift club?

3. In Chapter 9: "January," why does Frank throw the sugar glider down the toilet?

4. In Chapter 8: "October," what is the immediate effect of Frank's mistaken introduction on Cleo?

5. In Chapter 9: "January," what does Frank suggest to Eleanor at the end of their conversation?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7: "Late September," what role does the bar turned makeshift club play in Cleo's journey of self-discovery?

2. In Chapter 13: "Late March," how does alcohol serve as a coping mechanism for Frank and what does it reveal about his character and emotional state?

3. In Chapter 11: "Early March," what is the significance of the blue orchid?

4. In Chapter 11: "Early March," how does the memory of Cleo's childhood experience with her mother tie into her transformation?

5. In Chapter 10: "February," in what ways does the discussion between Anders and Christine about their son, Jonah, reflect their evolving relationship and the theme of parenthood in the chapter?

6. In Chapter 7: "Late September," how does the reunion between Cleo and Frank represent a turning point in the chapter's narrative, and what does it signify for their relationship?

7. In Chapter 13: "Late March," what does the incident with the tapered candle during their argument symbolize in terms of Frank and Cleo's relationship, and how does it relate to the broader themes of the novel?

8. In Chapter 12: "Still March," how does the revelation of Cleo's self-harm affect the dynamics between the characters, and what does it suggest about the impact of past actions on the present?

9. In Chapter 10: "February," what does Anders' initial terror and later longing for a more open relationship with Cleo reveal about the complexities of his emotions and the consequences of his affair?

10. In Chapter 7: "Late September," in what ways does the dark and ominous walk back to the hotel symbolize Cleo's internal conflict and her fear of the unknown?

(see the answer keys)

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