Cleopatra and Frankenstein Multiple Choice Test Questions

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Cleopatra and Frankenstein Multiple Choice Test Questions

Coco Mellors
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1: "December"- Chapter 3: "July"

1. In Chapter 1: "December," what prompts Cleo to hesitate attending Santiago's party?
(a) Fear of her roommate's absence.
(b) Social anxiety and indecision about what to wear.
(c) Work commitments.
(d) Lack of interest in the party.

2. In Chapter 1: "December," how does Cleo describe her creative process in art?
(a) Chaotic initially, but eventually resulting in satisfaction.
(b) Spontaneous and unpredictable.
(c) Orderly and structured.
(d) Repetitive and dull..

3. In Chapter 1: "December," what is the title of the collection of essays Cleo mentions from the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist?
(a) Artistic Insights.
(b) Fragments of Creativity.
(c) Observations on Modern Art.
(d) Sharp Tongues, Loose Lips, Open Eyes.

4. In Chapter 1: "December," what term does Cleo use to describe New Year's Eve during her conversation with Frank?
(a) A night of resolution.
(b) A night of fights and fireworks.
(c) A time for personal growth.
(d) A time for reflection.

5. In Chapter 1: "December," why does Frank suggest going to Cleo's flat instead of his own?
(a) To have more privacy.
(b) Because he had a cat at home.
(c) To continue their conversation.
(d) To avoid the loud New Year's countdown.

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