Clear Light of Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clear Light of Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bim say about rich, fat and successful people?
(a) They are admirable
(b) They are boring
(c) She wants to be one of them
(d) They are exciting

2. What does Tara decide to do after that conversation about Raja?
(a) Leave earlier than they had planned
(b) Write a letter to Bim's school and share her concerns
(c) Call Raja and tell him what happened
(d) Watch her sister's behavior more closely

3. What episode at school disturbed Tara deeply and made her think of blood?
(a) One of the girls in class injures their head
(b) The shooting of a mad dog that was hiding under one of the buildings
(c) One of the teachers dies in class
(d) A bird hits the school room window and dies

4. Why does Aunt Mira ask the chidren's parents for a cow?
(a) She wanted to murder a cow
(b) She wants a pet
(c) It was cheaper than buying from the grocery store
(d) The milk they had been getting delivered was watered down

5. What sort of climate did the children grow up in?
(a) Tropic, intense heat and humidity during the summer
(b) Bitter cold, in the mountains of India
(c) On an island off the coast of India, breezy and warm
(d) Moderate, with four distinct seasons of snow, cool autumns, mild summers and pleasant springs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is terrified of going to and being at school?

2. How does Bim handle her anger at Raja for growing up and away from the other children?

3. What is Raja's favorite hobby at this time?

4. Which of the children grew up to become exactly what they said they wanted to be as a child?

5. How did the climate affect the children?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Aunt Mira as she is in this chapter

2. What is symbolic about Tara holding Bim's hand on the day of their departure?

3. Why did Tara think her father was trying to kill her mother?

4. How was Mira treated by her dead husband's family?

5. In your opinion, has Bim always been this way and Tara never saw it, or has Bim changed over the years?

6. Why does Bim take out her rage on Baba?

7. How did Tara remember the incident when Bim was stung by bees?

8. Why does Bim resist everything Tara says and mocks Bakul's words?

9. What difference does Aunt Mira make in Baba's life?

10. How does Tara see Aunt Mira?

(see the answer keys)

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