Clear Light of Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clear Light of Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the children do every evening?
(a) Watched the evening news on the television
(b) Texted their parents on cell phones
(c) Played quietly in their rooms, did their homework and spent time with their parents
(d) Wait for their parents to come home from playing bridge at the club

2. What did Tara see her father do to her mother long ago?
(a) Yell at her
(b) Give her an injection for her diabetes
(c) Slap her
(d) Make love to her

3. At what age was Aunt Mira widowed?
(a) 17
(b) 15
(c) 25
(d) 50

4. Who was sent to fetch them?
(a) The Misras brothers
(b) Tara and Baba
(c) Hyder Ali
(d) Aunt Mira

5. What does Tara see in Bim that she never saw before?
(a) Meanness, cruelty, shaking, talking to herself and hoarding money and food
(b) Beauty and peace
(c) Hatred of Baba
(d) Inability to understand simple concepts

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bim now see the pattern of her life?

2. While they are still children, what childish claim to fame does Raja have?

3. What does Tara decide to do after that conversation about Raja?

4. What honor did Raja receive in school?

5. What sort of books does Tara read?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Tara think her father was trying to kill her mother?

2. How did Bim remember the incident where she was stung by bees?

3. Describe the word games the children played to pass the time.

4. How does Tara see their childhood?

5. How did Tara remember the incident when Bim was stung by bees?

6. Why does Tara want Bim and Baba to go to the wedding of Raja's daughter?

7. What is the symbolism of Tara's words to Bim pouring out of her quickly on the day of her departure?

8. Why does Bim resist everything Tara says and mocks Bakul's words?

9. Describe the relationship between Bim and Raja.

10. Why is Bakul so shocked when Bim says she has made a decision?

(see the answer keys)

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