Clear Light of Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clear Light of Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the names of the people everyone is talking about that summer, according to this novel?
(a) Gandhi, Mountbatten, Churchill, Jinnah and Nehru
(b) Queen Elizabeth, Gandhi, Churchill and Nehru
(c) Gandhi, Clinton, Reagan and Bush
(d) Gandhi, FDR, Churchill and Nehru

2. Whose ghost does Bim claim to have seen in the garden?
(a) Their father
(b) The cow
(c) Aunt Mira
(d) Their mother

3. What is Bim's answer when Raja says he wants to grow up to be a hero?
(a) She wants to be a veterinarian
(b) She wants to be a playwright
(c) She says she wants to grow up to be a heroine
(d) She wants to be a sky diver

4. Where does Baba get the gramophone?
(a) He steals it from the Misras sisters
(b) From the empty house of Hyder Ali
(c) He finds it in the dumpster
(d) From Sears

5. Who is asleep on the veranda when Bakul, Bim and Tara return home?
(a) Baba
(b) Aunt Mira
(c) The pet dog
(d) The jet-black cat

6. What family pet is rescued from the tree in the garden?
(a) Rex the camel
(b) The parrot
(c) Baba's gecko
(d) Bim's cat

7. What was the difference in religion between Raja and Hyder Ali?
(a) Raja is Catholic, Ali is Muslim
(b) Raja is Hindu, Hyder Ali is Muslim
(c) Raja is Hindu, Hyder Ali was Catholic
(d) Raja is Hindu, Ali is an atheist

8. Where has Bakul been posted when he comes to ask Bim for permission to marry Tara?
(a) Russia
(b) Pakistan
(c) United States
(d) Ceylon

9. Why did her father give her mother injections?
(a) He was slowly poisoning her
(b) Her mother had t.b.
(c) Her mother was a drug addict
(d) Her mother had diabetes

10. Why are the Misras brothers still living alone at their family home?
(a) Their wives have left them for other men
(b) The Misras sisters have asked them to come home
(c) They were wounded in the war
(d) They are drunkards and their wives have left them

11. Who is sitting on the veranda while Raja departs the family home?
(a) Tara, Begum the dog, and Aunt Mira
(b) Bim, Baba and the dog Begum
(c) Bim alone
(d) Aunt Mira, Tara, and Bakul

12. When Tara speaks of being young again, what is Bim's reaction?
(a) Bim says she envies Tara's childhood more than her own
(b) Bim says she doesn't remember much about her childhood
(c) Bim remarks she would never be young again for anything
(d) Bim says she would love to be a child again

13. Why can't they visit more often?
(a) Their daughters do not like Bim or Baba
(b) Tara is afraid of travelling
(c) Bakul cannot drive
(d) Bakul is in foreign service and stationed in many different cities in the world

14. What kind of business did the Misras brothers have and lose?
(a) Car washing
(b) Bar and Grill
(c) Ice factory and soda water business
(d) Auto repair shop

15. Where does Tara remember going for escape from the neglect of her parents?
(a) To Hyder Ali Sahib's house to read
(b) To the roof of the house
(c) To her Aunt Mira's room
(d) To school

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tara say she wants to be when she grows up?

2. Why does Dr. Biswas think Bim is not interested in his courtship?

3. What did Baba play with before the gramophone?

4. What does Bim return with from Hyder Ali Sahib's house?

5. What helps Raja to begin to get better?

(see the answer keys)

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