Clear and Present Danger Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clear and Present Danger Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Diaz reports the information from Moira to which of the following?

2. Colonel Felix Cortez is a former member of which organization?

3. What is the name of the Puerto Rican group referenced by Cortez?

4. What rental car company is used by Cortez?

5. What is Jack Ryan's title within the agency?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who attends the meeting in the FBI Director's office? What is discussed? How much money is involved in this newest development?

2. Explain the training conditions faced by Chavez and the other recruits.

3. Describe Wegener and his reputation in the Coast Guard.

4. What decision is made by Cutter, Moore, Jacobs and the President in the Oval Office? What is Jacobs' opinion? How does it affect Ryan?

5. Discuss the conversation between Clark and Ritter. What orders have been given in light of the new events?

6. Who is Domingo Chavez? Where is he stationed? To which location is Chavez summoned?

7. Felix Cortez reminisces about his work in Puerto Rico. What was the mission that involved Cortez?

8. Examine the scene in which the reader is introduced to CIA agent Clark. Describe Clark.

9. What is Bronco Williams' most recent mission? What is Williams' opinion of the job?

10. Where are Larson and Ritter while Chavez and his men watch the burials in Chicago? What are the men doing?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There is a great deal of political intrigue and international criminal activity involved in the book. This is a common theme for Tom Clancy. Write about Clancy's work. What other books involve Jack Ryan and/or similar themes to the ones presented in "Clear and Present Danger?" Why do you think Clancy is so fascinated with terrorists and international intrigue? What is Clancy's background? How many books has Clancy written? Have you ever read any of Clancy's other books?

Essay Topic 2

Felix Cortez, aka Juan Diaz, approaches Moira Wolfe on a romantic level in order to gain information about the FBI Director's travel itinerary. Moira openly discusses Operation TARPON after the details of the operation have been released to the public. What information does Moira inadvertently give away? Does Cortez trick Moira or does he come by the information organically? Is Moira ever suspicious of Cortez? When does Moira find out Cortez's true intentions? What do you think caused someone in Moira's position to make such a fatal mistake? Was Moira being naïve or was Cortez incredibly clever? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

During the Operation SHOWBOAT meeting between Cutter and Ritter, it is clear that Cutter's behavior is suspicious. Explain Cutter's behavior and why it seems off to Ritter. What does Ritter ask for to ensure that the mission is legitimate? What does Cutter offer to Ritter as assurance? What conditions does Cutter put on the item? How does Ritter react? Is Cutter lying, cautious or paranoid? How might Ritter find out?

(see the answer keys)

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