Clear and Present Danger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clear and Present Danger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The A6 aircraft assumes the identity of a civilian aircraft en route from Quito to which of the following?
(a) Denver.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Miami.
(d) New York.

2. Jackson goes aboard the USS Ranger to study the effectiveness of the _______ air-to-air missiles.
(a) Sandstorm.
(b) California.
(c) Warrior.
(d) Phoenix

3. A prison guard informs Cortez that the greatest passion of all is:
(a) Confession.
(b) Silence.
(c) Solitude.
(d) Redemptio.

4. It is obvious Ryan is off on his own when he is noticeably absent from which event?
(a) Inauguration.
(b) State dinner.
(c) Funeral.
(d) Birthday party.

5. Who is suspected of committing the murders?
(a) Pattersons.
(b) Smiths.
(c) Bradens.
(d) Jacksons.

6. What is the name of the town where Cortez has been running his operation?
(a) Bolivar.
(b) Bogota.
(c) Anserma.
(d) Meta.

7. Clark and Larson catch a plane in ______ and manage to get back to the US.
(a) Medellin.
(b) Sao Paulo.
(c) Panama City.
(d) Tolu.

8. The Admiral says he will claim responsibility of the _______,
(a) Changed orders.
(b) Ground troops.
(c) Imprisoned civilians.
(d) Misplaced files.

9. What kind of pick up is executed by Colonel Johns?
(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Hot.
(d) Cold.

10. At Greer's funeral the reader learns important facts about Greer's _________.
(a) Illegitimate children.
(b) Prison record.
(c) Special Ops training.
(d) Personal life.

11. What is used to intercept Cortez's phone call after the explosion?
(a) KNIFE.
(c) CAPER.

12. Who will make the trip with Clark when he attempts to contact the ground troops?
(a) Cutter.
(b) Larson.
(c) Painter.
(d) Ryan.

13. The pirates are mysteriously killed in their jail cells. How are the men killed?
(a) Stabbed.
(b) Suffocated.
(c) Hanged.
(d) Strangled.

14. The police in Mobile are outraged when they learn that the murderers of their friend and colleague are going to get which of the following?
(a) Deal.
(b) Extradition.
(c) Plea bargain.
(d) Federal immunity.

15. Who does Jackson call to discuss the meeting?
(a) Ryan.
(b) Greer.
(c) Murray.
(d) Jacobs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of car does Cortez drive?

2. The only operation permitted to stay open under the Admiral's order is which of the following:

3. What type of conference is Ryan attending when he learns about the stealth bomb?

4. Cortez suggests that the leader speak to which of the following regarding the processing plants?

5. Robby Jackson makes it a point to run into which of the following at the airport?

(see the answer keys)

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