Clean, Cleaner, Cleanest Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 53 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clean, Cleaner, Cleanest Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 53 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2 Pages 5 – 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of scented soap does Marie use to clean the motel room?
(a) Rosemary.
(b) Orange.
(c) Tea Tree.
(d) Mint.

2. What "peculiar honor" (8) is Marie given on her last day of work?
(a) She is told she does not have to clean any bathrooms.
(b) She is told she only needs to clean one room.
(c) She is told she can just spray her mint soap and leave.
(d) She is told she supervise only and does not need to clean.

3. What does Marie soon do after seeing a naked guest emerge from the bathroom?
(a) Confessed to Father James.
(b) Told her husband.
(c) Quit her job.
(d) Complained to her boss.

4. What had Marie convinced Naseem do to save she and other maids time?
(a) Only clean ever other day.
(b) Allow them to reuse bed linens.
(c) Put wooden platforms under each bed.
(d) Buy a robot vacuum.

5. How long does Marie work for Naseem after her affair with Amir?
(a) 15 years.
(b) One month.
(c) 6 days.
(d) 3 years.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how may weeks of work is Marie's last paycheck?

2. What does Marie think before closing down the computer and deciding not to contact her friend?

3. How much does Marie weigh after 30 years of working at the motel?

4. Where does Marie receive a postcard from Evie saying she is "halfway there!" (2)?

5. What does Marie learn of her former coworker Christine when they bump into each other at a mall?

(see the answer key)

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