Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Rome after Nero dies?
(a) The restoration of the Republic.
(b) The Kings of the Near East take over the empire.
(c) Anarchy and civil war.
(d) The Britains build their own empire.

2. How do the people accept Nero as the succeeding emperor after Claudius?
(a) With surprise.
(b) With fear.
(c) Bitterly.
(d) Joyfully.

3. Why does Claudius give sacrifices to Diana and Apollo?
(a) Because of the solar eclipse.
(b) Because Barbillus advised him to.
(c) Because he felt threatened by Herod.
(d) Because they guided him to a victory on the Rhine.

4. Why does Narcissus keep the truth of Messalina from Claudius?
(a) He wants to spare Claudius' feelings.
(b) He does not believe in meddling.
(c) He thought Claudius deserved it.
(d) He is as guilty as all the other men she sleeps with.

5. Who hands Caractacus over to Ostorius?
(a) The Belgian tribes.
(b) The men of South Wales.
(c) King of Icenians.
(d) Queen of the Brigantians.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Claudius return to the Senatorial province state?

2. What does King Herod not respect in a person?

3. How does Bardanes meet his end?

4. What does the reader discover about young Pompey?

5. What omen does Claudius look for to see if they will win the battle against the British?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Claudius presides over the trials of Messalina's adulterers and traitors at the wedding party, Messalina writes him three letters. Describe these letters and how it shows Messalina's true character.

2. According to Claudius, what are the disadvantages of having the Senate be the main government body?

3. What deceit does Messalina play on Claudius and his army commander while Claudius is in Britain?

4. How do the Senate and people react to Messalina and Claudius' separation?

5. What is the reaction of those in Hell when Claudius arrives? Why do they react this way?

6. What are the usual feelings about a solar eclipse by the public? How does Claudius get the populace to feel differently about it?

7. Why does Claudius call for support from the palace guards? What about them does he trust above others?

8. How might reinstating Mithridater to the Armenian throne help quell the alliance forming in the Near East?

9. Why does Claudius marry Agrippinilla over other potential women?

10. What punishments does the court in Hell consider for Claudius?

(see the answer keys)

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