Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marsus suggest to Claudius?
(a) Reinstate Mithridates as King of Armenia.
(b) Bring the forces to the Near East.
(c) Support Gotarze.
(d) Take Bardanes as a hostage.

2. What plan does Britannicus present to Claudius?
(a) Assassinate Agrippinilla and Nero.
(b) Exile him so he may restore the Republic after Nero dies.
(c) Give him a chance at schooling and fight Nero.
(d) Restore the Republic the day before Claudius dies.

3. What ability gains Nero popular admiration?
(a) Shrewd decisions in court.
(b) His sword fighting skills.
(c) He is as good as any Spaniard in bull fighting.
(d) A persuasive oration.

4. In his poem, what does Claudius believe is his fault as an emperor?
(a) He is too irresponsible.
(b) He is too benevolent.
(c) He is too idiotic.
(d) He is too in love.

5. Why does the crowd from the marketplace follow Asinius to the palace?
(a) For their amusement.
(b) Asinius promises gold to those who follow him.
(c) To revolt with Asinius.
(d) To strike against the emperor.

6. Why does Claudius start rumors that Britannicus is epileptic?
(a) Because he hates Britannicus.
(b) So Britannicus will find a true love and not one who wants his potential power.
(c) So the populace will focus on Nero.
(d) Britannicus started rumors about Claudius' impotence.

7. How does Vitellius die?
(a) Murdered in a fire.
(b) Execution.
(c) Poison by a fellow consul.
(d) From a paralytic stroke.

8. Who hands Caractacus over to Ostorius?
(a) King of Icenians.
(b) Queen of the Brigantians.
(c) The men of South Wales.
(d) The Belgian tribes.

9. Who does Claudius expel from the city?
(a) Jewish missionaries.
(b) Druid followers.
(c) Greek philosophers.
(d) Christians.

10. What do Cleopatra and Calpurnia see in Rome that causes them alarm for Claudius?
(a) Silius speaking suspiciously to the commander of the palace guards.
(b) The Senate convening to speak of restoring the republic.
(c) Messalina and Silius getting married.
(d) Vitellius and Messalina committing adultery.

11. How does Claudius determine how the public truly feels about him?
(a) He has Brittanicus spy for him.
(b) He dresses in plain white robes in the streets.
(c) Vitellius purposely says ill words about Claudius to see who will agree.
(d) He sends a message faking his death.

12. Who does Asiaticus believe instigates his trial?
(a) Vietllius and Poppaee.
(b) Messalina.
(c) Vinicius.
(d) The Petra brothers.

13. What causes a rivalry between Narcissus, Pallas and Callistus?
(a) They disagree on whom Claudius should marry.
(b) They disagree on what to do with Messalina.
(c) They each want to be Claudius' principal adviser.
(d) They each want to be the palace guard colonel.

14. What prediction allows Claudius to not worry about Agrippinilla?
(a) His son will rise up and restore the Republic.
(b) Claudius will die a bachelor.
(c) Nero will kill his mother.
(d) Claudius will die a natural death.

15. Why are the chariots ineffective in the Colchester battle for the Britons?
(a) The battle grounds are too tight.
(b) The elephants are too strong for the chariots.
(c) The horses are deterred by the camel smell.
(d) The grounds are too swampy for the wheels.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the reader discover about young Pompey?

2. Who orders Messalina to be executed?

3. For what acts is Claudius tried when in Hell?

4. What causes Justus to be executed?

5. Who takes over when Herod dies?

(see the answer keys)

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