Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom does Claudius gain more respect as he settles into the emperor's role?
(a) Augustus.
(b) Tiberius.
(c) Caligula.
(d) The people.

2. What do the Alexandrians offer to build in honor of Claudius that most excites him?
(a) A library.
(b) An obelisk.
(c) A temple.
(d) A pyramid.

3. According to Claudius, what is the best Roman monument?
(a) The palace.
(b) The statue of Augustus.
(c) The Appian Way.
(d) The Temple of Mars.

4. How does Antonia's push for a coachman's arrest backfire?
(a) The coachman bribes Gemullus to lie about Herod.
(b) Tiberius' threatens Antonia of banishment for not letting the matter go.
(c) The coachman reveals Herod's treasonous remarks.
(d) The coachman reveals Antonia's treasonous intentions.

5. What change in treasury does Claudius do?
(a) Lets all but one official go so Claudius can learn.
(b) Returns responsibilities to original treasury officials.
(c) Puts Messalina as the head treasurer.
(d) Appoints the responsbilities to his own cousins.

6. What is Claudius known as amongst the royal family?
(a) The fool.
(b) The punisher.
(c) The naive.
(d) The honest.

7. What does Claudius do to cause some of the Senators to believe he will begin his reign of terror?
(a) Threatens the Consuls.
(b) Executes Silanus.
(c) Expands the empire further into Africa.
(d) Places gold statues of himself around Rome.

8. How does Claudius make up for the retraction of Caligula's holidays?
(a) By adding dozens of his own holidays.
(b) Hosting Sportulas.
(c) Cutting the taxes that paid for the holidays.
(d) Hosting banquets in a different region each month.

9. Why does Claudius want to build a harbor?
(a) To strengthen the navy.
(b) To build a tourism industry.
(c) To avoid famine.
(d) Because Herod advised him to.

10. Why is it difficult for Petronius to follow through with Caligula's orders?
(a) The Jews are armed.
(b) The Alexandrians succeed in their revolt against Petronius' men.
(c) The Jews resist with respectful non-violence.
(d) The high priest is a masterful orator and convinces Petronius to give in.

11. What people in the Roman Empire are the first to claim Claudius emperor?
(a) The infantry and palace guards.
(b) The Senate.
(c) The populous.
(d) The city battalion.

12. Who does Antonia marry?
(a) Young Pompey.
(b) Herod's youngest son.
(c) Lucius Silanus.
(d) Vinicius' eldest son.

13. To whom does Aristobulus trust his money to invest?
(a) Tiberius.
(b) Antonia.
(c) Flaccus.
(d) Claudius.

14. What does Herod do at the temple of treasury in Jerusalem?
(a) Replace the iron chain with a gold one.
(b) Give an offering of 1000 gold coins.
(c) Fire the treasurer for his remarks.
(d) Figure how much tax to cut.

15. What happens from the action of Herodius convincing Antipas to care about Herod's state of affairs?
(a) They are banished to Lyons.
(b) Herodius becomes a widow.
(c) Antipas and Herodius divorce.
(d) Herod gets Antipas killed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first to speak up in support of Claudius?

2. What advice does Xenophon give Claudius?

3. What act does Caligula attempt that angers many Jews?

4. How does Scribonianus meet his fate?

5. Who does Bericus run to for help?

(see the answer keys)

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