Clarissa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clarissa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letters 521-537 dated September 28th through December 18th.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lord M promise to do if Lovelace marries Clarissa but is a bad husband?
(a) Lord M says he will lock Lovelace up in Lord M's dungeon until he promises to be good.
(b) Lord M says he will disinherit Lovelace and leave his money to Clarissa and her children instead.
(c) Lord M says Clarissa can divorce Lovelace and marry Lord M instead.
(d) Lord M says he will have Lovelace arrested and imprisoned.

2. After Lovelace's party, what request does Clarissa get from Miss Partington?
(a) To write Miss Partington a letter explaining why Clarissa won't marry Lovelace.
(b) To be best friends forever.
(c) To share Clarissa's bed for the night.
(d) To send Miss Partington a lock of Clarissa's hair.

3. What does Morden bring Clarissa?
(a) A picture of her mother.
(b) Money from her estate.
(c) A rose diamond ring.
(d) A picture of Miss Howe.

4. After reading the letter in which Clarissa mentions going to her "father's house," what does Lovelace guess might have changed Clarissa's thinking?
(a) He thinks she is pregnant.
(b) He thinks she always intended to marry him, but didn't want him to know it.
(c) He thinks Colonel Morden persuaded her.
(d) He thinks Belford has persuaded her.

5. What kind of place does Lovelace trick Clarissa into choosing for her lodging in London?
(a) A dungeon.
(b) A house of prostitution.
(c) A grocery store.
(d) A non-existent address.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clarissa say about Mrs. Howe's refusal to help her?

2. How does Miss Howe recommend Clarissa save her reputation?

3. In addition to the information about the Widow Sinclair, what else does the revealing letter from Miss Howe say?

4. Why does Lord M want Lovelace to have children with Clarissa?

5. What activity does the apothecary recommend Clarissa do less of to improve her health?

(see the answer key)

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