Clarissa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Clarissa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letters 75-80 dated April 2nd through April 5th | Letters 81-88 dated April 6th through April 8th.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following deals does Clarissa offer to James if he will stop trying to force her to marry Solmes?
(a) Clarissa will give James all her chickens, and she will help Arabella get Lovelace to marry her.
(b) Clarissa will give up her inheritance or she will marry a servant.
(c) Clarissa will give up her inheritance or become James's maid in Scotland.
(d) Clarissa will give James half her inheritance and give him her best maid to take to Scotland.

2. Who does Clarissa write to, asking for help persuading her father not to force her to marry Solmes?
(a) John Belford.
(b) Uncle Antony.
(c) Mrs. Howe.
(d) Aunt Antonia.

3. When Mr. Lovelace proposes marriage to Arabella, why does she say no?
(a) She has heard he has seduced a lot of women.
(b) She never wants to get married at all.
(c) She never liked him in the first place.
(d) She does not like the way he talks to her.

4. What does Clarissa say about Mrs. Howe's refusal to help her?
(a) Clarissa says that Mrs. Howe's decision proves that she is out of her mind.
(b) Clarissa says Mrs. Howe is the meanest old woman she knows.
(c) Clarissa says Mrs. Howe made the right decision in refusing to help her.
(d) Clarissa says Mrs. Howe is going to pay for refusing to help her.

5. In the dream Clarissa has, what does Lovelace do to her?
(a) Make her queen.
(b) Kill her.
(c) Call her names.
(d) Give her a pink cake with a tag that says "Eat me."

Short Answer Questions

1. Clarissa admits she would prefer Lovelace if only he had what quality?

2. In letter 21, how is Clarissa punished for refusing to be nice to Mr. Solmes?

3. How does Lovelace know about everything that happens at Clarissa's house?

4. At the end of this section (letters 56-74), who is Clarissa pinning her hopes on?

5. Who does Miss Howe threaten to take revenge on when her mother refuses to give Clarissa protection?

(see the answer key)

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