Civilization and Its Discontents Test | Final Test - Medium

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Civilization and Its Discontents Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which does Freud say comes first?
(a) Super-ego.
(b) Conscious.
(c) Consciousness of guilt.
(d) Desire for punishment.

2. Whose is the sole relationship that Freud says is not affected by property?
(a) Father and son.
(b) Mother and daughter.
(c) Brother and brother.
(d) Mother and son.

3. How does Freud say the sense of guilt produced by culture is expressed?
(a) As artistic creativity.
(b) As neurosis in sane people.
(c) As self-destructive behavior.
(d) As a general discontent.

4. What does Freud say is hidden from the super-ego?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Thoughts.
(c) Action.
(d) Crimes.

5. What does the destructive instinct provide when it is harnessed, according to Freud?
(a) Exploitation of Nature.
(b) Indifference to other people’s sufferings.
(c) Control over Nature.
(d) Control over people in whom it is unharnessed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What effect do violent men have on society?

2. What does Freud say the aggressive elements of a desire turn into when they are repressed?

3. What does Freud say a neighbor tempts a man to?

4. What does Freud say people give up in exchange for their membership in society?

5. How does Freud characterize the state of society in which couples are satisfied libidinally, and society is joined together through work and common interests?

Short Essay Questions

1. How, according to Freud, do other people figure differently in sensual love and social love?

2. How does Freud characterize the super-ego’s cultural function?

3. How do sadism and masochism reveal the interplay between Eros and death instincts, in Freud's account?

4. In what three spheres does Freud see the same interplay between Eros and death playing out?

5. How does Freud characterize the mindset of people who do not appreciate the reality he is describing, of hostility as a fundamental force of human nature?

6. What conclusion does Freud’s discussion of the Golden Rule lead him to make about human nature?

7. How does Freud say society uses men’s aggression productively?

8. How does Freud explain the origin of remorse?

9. What difficulty does Freud say he would expect in any analysis that sought to analyze society’s neuroses?

10. What insights does Freud offer into the value of communism?

(see the answer keys)

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