City of the Beasts Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

City of the Beasts Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does an Indian hunter never eat?
(a) Vegetables.
(b) The flesh of an animal killed by another.
(c) Food cooked by enemies.
(d) The flesh of his own victim.

2. How are the People of the Mist described?
(a) Tall and graceful.
(b) Small and sweet-smelling.
(c) Thin and foul-smelling.
(d) Dark and menacing.

3. How many people form the expedition at the beginning?
(a) Fifteen adults and four children.
(b) Thirteen adults and two children.
(c) Seven adults and 1 child.
(d) Five adults and two children.

4. Arriving at the home of the gods, what mythic character does Alex compare himself to?
(a) Prometheus.
(b) Atlas.
(c) Hercules.
(d) Theseus.

5. Who do the Indian villagers believe "speak lies, do not know justice, and have power to stain souls?"
(a) Beasts.
(b) Shamans.
(c) Foreigners.
(d) Old women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What skill does Nadia claim in addition to her multilingualism?

2. What injury does Alex suffer?

3. What does Mauro Carias offer to do for Nadia?

4. Which two members of the expedition are unafraid when they sense they are being followed?

5. How does Ludovic Leblanc insult Omayra Torres?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the People of the Mist keep boa constrictors as pets?

2. Why would pistols be of no use in defending against an attack by the People of the Mist?

3. How does Ludovic Leblanc estimate the size of the Indian villages?

4. What unexpected injury does Alex sustain while waiting to be rescued and how does it affect him?

5. Why is Nadia convinced that Karakawe is Mauro Carias' co-conspirator?

6. What internal conflict does Alex experience when the kidnappers offer him masato to drink?

7. What response do Nadia and Alex get when they warn adults about the conspiracy to eradicate the Amazon Indians?

8. What worries Nadia and Alex about Karakawe's activities?

9. Why do the efforts of the expedition to lure the Indians with gifts and trinkets fail?

10. Why are Alex and Nadia not frightened by their encounter with the People of the Mist?

(see the answer keys)

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