City of Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

City of Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Vivian wake up from celebrating her twentieth birthday to find unexpectedly in her room, staring at her?
(a) Her Uncle Billy Buell.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her boyfriend.
(d) Her brother.

2. Which of the following does Vivian recall having anxiety about in her personal life in the summer of 1940?
(a) Finances.
(b) She was worried her mother was dying.
(c) She was worried that she would never make any friends and she was homesick.
(d) Pregnancy and gonorrhea scares.

3. Who was George Bernard Shaw's favorite actress, according to Vivian in Chapter Nine?
(a) Ethel Barrymore.
(b) Helen Hayes.
(c) Edna Parker Watson.
(d) Helen Mirren.

4. What does Aunt Peg own?
(a) An accounting firm.
(b) A car dealership.
(c) The Lily Restaurant.
(d) The Lily Playhouse.

5. Which of the following clubs do Vivian and Celia Ray routinely begin their nights of revelry in New York City in?
(a) The Red Room.
(b) The Bugle.
(c) The Stork Club.
(d) The Russian Tea Room.

6. What does Peg first call Vivian when they meet at The Lily for the first time?
(a) Greenhorn.
(b) Babe.
(c) Kiddo.
(d) Beauty.

7. What does Jennie tell her grandmother her diaphragm was for?
(a) Cleaning potatoes.
(b) Cleaning jewelry.
(c) Cleaning teeth.
(d) Cleaning the floor.

8. What question does Edna ask Celia when the two first meet that endears Edna to Celia?
(a) Whether Celia has acted in films yet.
(b) Whether Celia is from a line of Italian nobility.
(c) Whether Celia has had offers from agents to represent her yet.
(d) Whether Celia is formally trained in ballet.

9. What was Vivian's brother's nickname growing up?
(a) The Diplomat.
(b) The President.
(c) The Bear.
(d) The Ambassador.

10. Which famous singer did Vivian hear perform in the summer of 1940, though she barely remembers it?
(a) Louis Armstrong.
(b) Ella Fitzgerald.
(c) Frank Sinatra.
(d) Billie Holiday.

11. What kind of plays is Enda best known for performing?
(a) Shakespearean.
(b) Burlesque.
(c) Avant-Garde.
(d) Modern.

12. How had Edna Parker Watson and Peg become friends?
(a) They had met in acting school.
(b) They had met in France during the Great War.
(c) They had met through family friends.
(d) They had met through Peg's estranged husband, Billy Buell.

13. Why was Peg unable to meet Vivian at the train station when Vivian first arrives in New York?
(a) There was a small fire at the theater she needed to take care of.
(b) She was appearing in court.
(c) She was going to the doctor with one of the dancers.
(d) She was too drunk.

14. In Chapter Two, who does Vivian meet at Grand Central Station instead of Aunt Peg?
(a) Billy Buell.
(b) Celia Ray.
(c) Olive Thompson.
(d) Donald Herbert.

15. What about Edna's fashion sense changes Vivian's impressions of what looks best on women?
(a) Edna wears trousers and makes them look very chic.
(b) Edna only wears clothes from thrift shops, and it teaches Vivian that clothes do not have to be expensive.
(c) Edna can wear wide, thick belts, which look good on her.
(d) Edna wears lots of crinoline and it looks fantastic on her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who taught Vivian how to do the activity she most enjoys in Chapter One?

2. In Chapter Two, what was the name of the play Billy and Peg wrote together?

3. Where does Vivian go to college for one year?

4. Who do the showgirls set Vivian up with to lose her virginity?

5. What does Peg remind Billy of from their past when he wants to spend more money than she and Olive are comfortable with?

(see the answer keys)

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