Citizen of the Galaxy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Citizen of the Galaxy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Thorby understand about Uncle Jack?
(a) He wanted Thorby to leave.
(b) He liked being boss.
(c) He wanted to retire.
(d) He liked Thorby.

2. What was given to Thorby upon his birth?
(a) A personal valet.
(b) The right to marry Leda.
(c) Personal shares in the business.
(d) Personal wealth.

3. Who did Colonel Bisby call for after Thorby recited a code?
(a) The military police.
(b) The captain at arms.
(c) The psych officer.
(d) The cook.

4. Why was Thorby's acting rank stricken?
(a) Insubordination.
(b) Hitting a fellow officer in the face with a bowl of potatoes.
(c) Hitting a fellow officer.
(d) Treason.

5. How many ships ago was the original Sisu built?
(a) Six ships ago.
(b) Four ships ago.
(c) Five ships ago.
(d) Eight ships ago.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Leda own more stock in Rudbek businesses than Uncle Jack?

2. What happened to Fritz and Thorby when they go to dirt?

3. What is a skill Thorby believes will be beneficial to the Guard?

4. What department does Thorby belong to in the Guard?

5. What does Thorby want to do when he leaves the business?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the Gathering what does Captain Krausa discover that changes Thorby's life?

2. What does Thorby learn about Baslim?

3. What does Thorby do to hurry the search for his blood family?

4. Who is Thorby identified to be?

5. Describe the method of trading on Finster.

6. What is the trade on Woolamurra?

7. What is the history of the Sisu?

8. What makes Woolamurra ideal if Thorby no longer wants to be a trader?

9. What business does Thorby attend after leaving the counselor's office?

10. What is the Gathering?

(see the answer keys)

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