Citizen of the Galaxy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Citizen of the Galaxy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the neighborhood that was not under curfew?
(a) Happy Street.
(b) Gnome Street.
(c) Joy Street.
(d) Mock Street.

2. Baslim believes Thorby to be a citizen of what land?
(a) Suoma.
(b) Hegemony.
(c) Sargon.
(d) Heartasts.

3. What was lot ninety-six?
(a) A pair of geese.
(b) A pair of shoes.
(c) A pair of blond girls.
(d) A pair of blond boys.

4. What does Dr.Mader think of the People's freedom?
(a) The People are free at the loss of society's freedom.
(b) The People are free at the loss of personal freedom.
(c) The People are free at the expense of the lower class.
(d) The People are free at the of the wealthy.

5. What did Thorby buy from Inga?
(a) A melon.
(b) An apple.
(c) A starfruit.
(d) A bellfruit.

6. What does not necessarily show up in appearance?
(a) Descendents.
(b) Mutations.
(c) Gender.
(d) Race.

7. Who is the first person on the Sisu to speak to Thorby?
(a) A female toddler.
(b) Nobleman Boss.
(c) Captain Krausa.
(d) First Assistant Power Boss.

8. How did Thorby get to the honky-tonk neighborhood?
(a) By walking the streets in the dark.
(b) By sneaking a ride with a compassionate patrolman.
(c) By crawling on rooftops.
(d) By hailing a cab.

9. What ship is Dr. Mader going to go to?
(a) El Nido.
(b) Sisu.
(c) El Nino.
(d) El Cico.

10. To Thorby, Earth is a what?
(a) Myth.
(b) Cruel planet.
(c) Vacation spot.
(d) Nonexsistent.

11. What did Baslim use to help Thorby remember the message?
(a) Hypnosis.
(b) Rewards when he gets it right.
(c) A beating.
(d) A language instructor.

12. What is Auntie Singham's profession?
(a) A fortune teller.
(b) A beggar.
(c) A sheep herder.
(d) A grocer.

13. Who is Dr. Samuel Renshaw?
(a) A man from Earth that grew a garden.
(b) A man from Earth who Baslim knows.
(c) A man from Earth that taught about the mind.
(d) Baslim's penpal from Earth.

14. What is the only clear planet in Thorby's remembrance?
(a) Teritan.
(b) Arkian.
(c) Jubbul.
(d) Losian.

15. What is Thorby to buy from the man at the shipyard area?
(a) A ticket onto a ship.
(b) A meat pie.
(c) A cold drink.
(d) A piece of steel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Thorby's full name now?

2. What is lot ninety-seven?

3. What did Auntie call the patrolmen?

4. What was the only angry statement Baslim ever made to Thorby?

5. What trade is Ziggie teaching Thorby?

(see the answer keys)

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