Circle of Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Circle of Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Eve point out to Benny on a nature walk?
(a) a field where she used to pick flowers
(b) a castle she plans to own when she inherits a fortune
(c) a cottage where she plans to live as an adult
(d) a shack where she goes to be alone

2. How does Mother Francis hope Eve is treated in Dublin?
(a) like she was in Knockglen
(b) like a scullary maid
(c) like the princess she is
(d) like an outsider

3. What does Eve say any boy who loves her will have to endure?
(a) her anxiety
(b) her hostility
(c) her poverty
(d) her curisoity

4. Who is Emily Mahon's beautiful daughter?
(a) Eve
(b) Patsy
(c) Nan
(d) Kit

5. What does Nan wrangle out of her father, Brian?
(a) a new pair of shoes
(b) her university tution
(c) a generous monthly allowance
(d) a ride to Dublin

6. What does Bill tell Jack about tickets for the dance?
(a) they will have to ask their fathers for money
(b) girls go with guys who pay
(c) they cost of the dance is not high
(d) they need the tickets in advance

7. Why does Eve laugh when Benny tells her she is dieting?
(a) she thinks dieting is ridiculous
(b) she knows Benny cannot keep it up
(c) she wants to humiliate Benny
(d) she is glad Benny is not mad at her

8. What does Simon tell Heather was the reason they had not known Eve before?
(a) he says he had not known where Eve was
(b) he says their grandfather forbade it
(c) he says it is complicated
(d) he says she never came to their house before

9. Who was Bunty Brown that Mother Francis tells Kit about?
(a) a girl who died young
(b) one of her nuns
(c) herself as a young girl
(d) a friend of Jack's

10. Why does Dr. John Foley want his son, Jack, to drive him to Knockglen?
(a) he has heard Kit Hegarty is in Knockglen
(b) he thinks it would be good for Jack
(c) he is still nervous about driving
(d) he is afraid of the Knockglen people

11. What comment does Aengus make about Benny's dress?
(a) she's popping out of it
(b) it's definitely her color
(c) it's the best dress at the party
(d) it looks like the prow of a ship

12. What do Patsy and Annabel do for Jack's visit?
(a) decorate the house
(b) plan a meal
(c) iron Benny's best dress
(d) go out and leave them alone

13. What does Mrs. Hegarty say about Eve's impact on the house?
(a) she worries about what the boys might do with Eve
(b) she knew it would be a mistake to invite Eve
(c) she says Eve should work more and talk less
(d) she should have brought in females a long time ago

14. What does Eve tell Kit about Nan?
(a) she wears too much makeup
(b) she is friendly with everyone
(c) she is a snob toward poor boys
(d) she is a better friend than Benny

15. What does Nan say about Benny's standing up to Sean Walsh?
(a) she says enyone could stand up to him
(b) she says Jack had to help her out
(c) she says it's a first step
(d) she says it was just a game to Benny

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the blonde girl Benny meets at the accident site?

2. What does Benny overhear in the ladies' room?

3. Why will it be difficult for Benny and Eve to see each other in Dublin?

4. What does Eve tell Benny about Kit?

5. Why does Kit Hegarty think Frank will be all right at the university?

(see the answer keys)

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