Circe Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Circe Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Helios say about Circe in relation to the rest of his children?
(a) That she was always his favorite.
(b) That she was always the prettiest.
(c) That she should be queen someday even though she is dishonorable.
(d) That she has always been the worst of his children.

2. Why is Telemachus angry with Circe?
(a) Because she betrayed him.
(b) Because she loves Telegonus more.
(c) Because she believed he wanted to go with Athena.
(d) Because she betrayed his father.

3. What does Circe fear Telemachus has come to Aiaia to do?
(a) Steal her powers of witchcraft.
(b) Avenge his father's death and kill Telegonus.
(c) Kill all her animals.
(d) Burn her house down.

4. What does Circe tell Telemachus about when he asks for stories of Odysseus?
(a) She tells him only of the heroic things Odysseus had done.
(b) She tells of him all the brutal things Odysseus had done without glossing anything over.
(c) She tells him lies about things Odysseus had done to make him sound worse.
(d) She tells him the things the bards created songs about.

5. What does Telemachus do on his and Circe's travels in Chapter 26?
(a) Sings.
(b) Cooks.
(c) Carves toys for children.
(d) Paints.

Short Answer Questions

1. What chair of Circe's did Odysseus once like to sit in?

2. Who comes to Aiaia with a message from Athena in Chapter 23?

3. Who is Odysseus's wife?

4. What does Circe ask Helios for when she summons him in Chapter 25?

5. Who does Odysseus mistakenly think Telemachus is?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Odysseus's patron and why does she turn her back on him?

2. In Chapter 24, why do Telemachus and Penelope need some time to talk and walk alone?

3. Which god comes to Aiaia to give a prophecy about Odysseus to Circe, and what does she tell him?

4. What was Telemachus trying to do when he saw that Telegonus and his father Odysseus were in a tense conversation on the shores of Ithaca?

5. Why does Telegonus leave Aiaia for the first time?

6. What does Penelope teach Telegonus to do that he had never been able to do before?

7. What does Circe suspect the gods of doing to torment her during childbirth?

8. What happens to Telegonus on Ithaca?

9. What kinds of stories does Odysseus tell Circe about his life during Chapter 16?

10. What kind of a disposition does Circe's baby, Telegonus, have as an infant?

(see the answer keys)

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