Circe Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Circe Test | Final Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Odysseus behave when he finally returns to Ithaca from the wars, according to Telemachus?
(a) In a paranoid and brutal way.
(b) In a peaceful, calm way.
(c) He starts a new war in Rome.
(d) He starts a new war in Troy.

2. What does Helios say about Circe in relation to the rest of his children?
(a) That she has always been the worst of his children.
(b) That she should be queen someday even though she is dishonorable.
(c) That she was always the prettiest.
(d) That she was always his favorite.

3. Who comes back to Aiaia with Telegonus after he leaves Ithaca?
(a) Minos and Penelope.
(b) Penelope and Odysseus.
(c) Pasiphae and Penelope.
(d) Penelope and Telemachus.

4. What does Athena tell Telemachus she wants him to do?
(a) Become a king in Crete.
(b) Start a new settlement of Greeks in Italy.
(c) Slaughter everyone in Ithaca.
(d) Transform to become part deity.

5. Which of Odysseus's men likes to sleep on Circe's roof?
(a) Paris.
(b) Elpenor.
(c) Asher.
(d) Dan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Telegonus tell Odysseus before Odysseus dies?

2. Who is Odysseus's father?

3. Who was a great warrior that Odysseus had fought beside?

4. What does Circe experience during pregnancy?

5. What is one ingredient Circe uses in her potion to protect Telegonus?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Athena want Telemachus to do when she visits him on Aiaia?

2. What happens to Telegonus on Ithaca?

3. What does Circe teach Penelope before she and Telemachus set off on their journey to find Scylla?

4. In Chapter 16, why does Odysseus at first refuse to eat Circe's food?

5. What kinds of stories does Odysseus tell Circe about his life during Chapter 16?

6. What kind of a disposition does Circe's baby, Telegonus, have as an infant?

7. What is the real reason Penelope wanted to come to Aiaia with Telegonus and Telemachus?

8. What does Penelope teach Telegonus to do that he had never been able to do before?

9. How does Odysseus describe his wife Penelope to Circe?

10. How does Telemachus reply to Athena when she makes her request of him?

(see the answer keys)

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