Circe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Circe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Circe disguise herself as on the ship to Crete?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Aeetes.
(c) Helios.
(d) Athena.

2. What does Circe expect the gods to do to her once they find out she has practiced transformation spells?
(a) Give her her own workshop.
(b) Celebrate her.
(c) Bestow her with special extra powers.
(d) Punish her severely.

3. What is Circe's father's hall made out of?
(a) Golden threads.
(b) Black obsidian.
(c) White Marble.
(d) Mirrors.

4. What kind of animal does Helios keep in fields?
(a) Cows.
(b) Sheep.
(c) Wolves.
(d) Snakes.

5. In Chapter 13, who comes to Circe to lift the curse they carry?
(a) Ariadne and Medea.
(b) Daedalus and Icarus.
(c) Jason and Medea.
(d) Poseidon and Medea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hermes tell Circe about her voice that she has never heard before?

2. What does Circe's brother do to help her heal?

3. Why is Circe's mother unhappy with Pasiphae's husband?

4. What prophecy does Hermes tell Circe about herself?

5. What does Circe's brother tell Helios about Circe's powers of witchcraft?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who comes to Circe for help lifting a curse in Chapter 13 and what was the curse for?

2. How do Daedalus and Icarus escape Crete?

3. Why does Circe cast her spell on Scylla?

4. What gift does Daedalus give to Circe when she leaves Crete and what does it symbolize?

5. What does Circe do to Scylla?

6. What advice does Aaetes give Circe the night before she leaves for her exile?

7. How does Circe help Prometheus in Chapter 2?

8. What is the only reason Helios begins to believe that Circe has real powers?

9. How does Aaetes treat Circe when he comes to Aiaia in Chapter 13?

10. What special gift does Helios have that Perse asks him to use at the birth of each of their children?

(see the answer keys)

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