Circe Test | Final Test - Easy

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Circe Test | Final Test - Easy

Madeline Miller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Circe suspect the goddess of childbirth does not come when she calls her?
(a) The gods are jealous.
(b) The gods want her to suffer much pain.
(c) The gods are angry for what she did with Prometheus.
(d) The gods do not want her child to be born.

2. Who does Circe think may lead her to the halls of the dead someday?
(a) Hermes.
(b) Odysseus.
(c) Daedalus.
(d) Hades.

3. What does Penelope seem to feel guilty about concerning her son Telemachus?
(a) She seems to feel guilty that she only had one son.
(b) She seems to feel guilty that she let Telemachus bear the brunt of Odysseus's rage without intervening.
(c) She seems to feel guilty about the affair she had while Odysseus fought in the wars.
(d) She seems to feel guilty that she let Odysseus die.

4. What great weapon does Circe bring back to help protect Telegonus on his journey?
(a) Trygon's tail.
(b) Medusa's venom.
(c) The blood of Zeus.
(d) The blood of Scylla.

5. What skill does Circe suspect Penelope might possess?
(a) A talent for singing.
(b) A talent for cooking.
(c) A talent for painting.
(d) A talent for spells.

6. What does Penelope ask Circe for so she can mourn for her husband?
(a) A ship of pigs to send to Ithaca.
(b) A tin of spiders.
(c) A special mourning song.
(d) A black cloak.

7. What does Circe do to Telegonus in desperation in Chapter 19 so that she may work and cast her protective spells?
(a) Gives him a potion that kills him.
(b) Gives him a potion that changes him into a pig.
(c) Gives him a potion that controls his mind.
(d) Gives him a potion that freezes him.

8. Who is Odysseus's wife?
(a) Penelope.
(b) Athena.
(c) Pasiphae.
(d) Scylla.

9. How does Odysseus die?
(a) Telegonus accidentally pierces him with Trygon's tail.
(b) He drowns by accident.
(c) Telegonus shoots him with a bow and arrow.
(d) Telemachus stabs him with a knife.

10. What is Penelope's reason for wanting to come to Aiaia?
(a) She knows Circe has barred the gods, especially Athena, from reaching the island and she wants to protect Telemachus.
(b) She wants to raise her husband's spirit from the dead.
(c) She wants to kill Circe.
(d) She wants to learn witchcraft.

11. What does Circe once tell Telemachus about family?
(a) You are fated to repeat the mistakes of your parents.
(b) We are not our blood.
(c) You can not escape your family.
(d) There is no love like a mother's love.

12. Where does Telegonus want to travel to in Chapter 19?
(a) Mount Olympus.
(b) Ithaca.
(c) Helios's halls.
(d) Persia.

13. What does Circe tell Telemachus about her history with Scylla?
(a) That she created Scylla.
(b) That she envied Scylla.
(c) That she was Scylla's sister once.
(d) That she hated Scylla because of Glaucos.

14. What does Circe fear Telemachus has come to Aiaia to do?
(a) Burn her house down.
(b) Avenge his father's death and kill Telegonus.
(c) Steal her powers of witchcraft.
(d) Kill all her animals.

15. What does Helios say about Circe in relation to the rest of his children?
(a) That she was always the prettiest.
(b) That she was always his favorite.
(c) That she has always been the worst of his children.
(d) That she should be queen someday even though she is dishonorable.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Circe feel after defeating Scylla?

2. What does Telemachus say to Athena's offer?

3. Who gives Odysseus the gift of the contrary winds to speed his way on the ship?

4. Which sea god had Odysseus incurred the wrath of?

5. What does Circe do on her travels with Telemachus?

(see the answer keys)

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