Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who brings Okaru's father's body back to the family?
(a) Beggars.
(b) Hunters.
(c) Lords.
(d) Shoguns.

2. Why does Heiemon want to join the samurai in "Act Seven"?
(a) To avenge Hangan's death.
(b) To find a better job.
(c) To meet a woman.
(d) To make new friends.

3. Where does Yuranosuke say snow is best preserved?
(a) In a bottle.
(b) In shadows.
(c) In one's memory.
(d) In caves.

4. What does Yuranosuke say he plans on doing to Moronao in "Act Eleven"?
(a) Behead him.
(b) Take him prisoner.
(c) Stab him.
(d) Tell him to commit ritual suicide.

5. What does Amakawaya Gihei offer the samurai in "Act Ten"?
(a) Charms.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Poison.
(d) Sake.

6. At the end of "Act Nine," what does Oishi tell Konami she was trying to do the whole time?
(a) Insult her.
(b) Impress her.
(c) Trick her.
(d) Protect her.

7. In "Act Eight," what do Konami and Tonase spend the act doing?
(a) Crying.
(b) Walking.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Writing letters.

8. What does Bannai think is funny about Yuranosuke's sword?
(a) The handle is broken.
(b) It has rust on it.
(c) It is short.
(d) It has English words carved on it.

9. In "Act Seven," how do Kudayu and Bannai plan on sobering up Yuranosuke?
(a) With a potion.
(b) With water.
(c) By ignoring him.
(d) By force.

10. Where does Amakawaya Gihei load his merchandise in "Act Ten"?
(a) Into a store front.
(b) On a train.
(c) Into a coach.
(d) On a ship.

11. What do the samurai use to get through Moronao's shutters?
(a) Long swords.
(b) Knives.
(c) Ropes.
(d) Bamboo bows.

12. Why does Kampei stab himself?
(a) He is drunk.
(b) He is full of guilt.
(c) He was trying to stab someone else.
(d) He is forced to do it.

13. What does Amakawaya Gihei's wife return to him in "Act Ten"?
(a) A set of letters.
(b) His kimono.
(c) The divorce papers.
(d) Her wedding ring.

14. What does Rikiya do when he sees Honzo and his mother fighting in "Act Nine"?
(a) He holds his mother back.
(b) He slaps Konase.
(c) He calls his father.
(d) He stabs Honzo.

15. What does Kampei tell Okaru before Ichinomiya takes her away?
(a) That he saw her father earlier.
(b) That he can never forgive her.
(c) That she is still honorable.
(d) That he found a lot of money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Moronao do before trying to attack Yuranosuke?

2. What does Yuranosuke tell the neighboring samurai about the shogun?

3. What does Yuranosuke hear when his men get inside the mansion?

4. Why does Heiemon try to kill Okaru in "Act Seven"?

5. Why won't Amakawaya Gihei let his wife see their son during her visit?

(see the answer keys)

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