Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of "Act Nine," what does Oishi tell Konami she was trying to do the whole time?
(a) Insult her.
(b) Protect her.
(c) Trick her.
(d) Impress her.

2. Why does Tonase show her husband's sword to Rikiya's mother?
(a) To compare it to Rikiya's.
(b) To prove their wealth.
(c) To show his approval.
(d) To frighten her.

3. What does Moronao do before trying to attack Yuranosuke?
(a) Yell something in a different language.
(b) Pretend to go along with his plan.
(c) Call for his servants.
(d) Pull a sword from behind his back.

4. Where does Yuranosuke come up with the passwords he teaches the samurai?
(a) His daughter's names.
(b) Japanese history.
(c) English literature.
(d) Gihei's shop.

5. What does Rikiya do when he sees Honzo and his mother fighting in "Act Nine"?
(a) He slaps Konase.
(b) He stabs Honzo.
(c) He calls his father.
(d) He holds his mother back.

6. Why does Honzo beg for pity in "Act Nine"?
(a) So Rikiya will stop hitting him.
(b) So Oishi will help him up.
(c) For his daughter's sake.
(d) For his soul.

7. In "Act Nine," what makes Konami feel shame?
(a) Being rejected.
(b) Her mother's poor clothes.
(c) Being slapped.
(d) Being ignored by Oishi.

8. What does Yuranosuke tell the neighboring samurai about the shogun?
(a) They are on his side.
(b) They need to know where he is.
(c) They won't hurt him.
(d) They are after him next.

9. Who brings Okaru's father's body back to the family?
(a) Beggars.
(b) Hunters.
(c) Lords.
(d) Shoguns.

10. Where does Kudayu hide to listen in on Heiemon and Okaru's conversation?
(a) Behind a door.
(b) Under the mats.
(c) Inside a crate.
(d) Outside the window.

11. What does Bannai think is funny about Yuranosuke's sword?
(a) It has English words carved on it.
(b) It is short.
(c) The handle is broken.
(d) It has rust on it.

12. What is stolen from Amakawaya Gihei's wife in "Act Ten"?
(a) Her jewelry.
(b) Her coat.
(c) Her purse.
(d) Her shoes.

13. Why does the league offer Moronao's head to the shrine in the temple?
(a) It is a ritual.
(b) It was Moronao's wish.
(c) It is the law.
(d) It was recommended by Yuranosuke.

14. What does Yuranosuke compare Amakawaya Gihei to?
(a) A criminal master mind.
(b) A samurai.
(c) A shogun.
(d) A millionaire.

15. What does Kampei tell Okaru before Ichinomiya takes her away?
(a) That he found a lot of money.
(b) That he saw her father earlier.
(c) That he can never forgive her.
(d) That she is still honorable.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Goemon finally ask Kampei to join their league of vengeance?

2. How does Kudayu die?

3. How does Amakawaya Gihei feel after being tricked by Yuranosuke in "Act Ten"?

4. Where does Yuranosuke say snow is best preserved?

5. Why won't Amakawaya Gihei let his wife see their son during her visit?

(see the answer keys)

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