Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Takeda Izumo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Chushingura, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers: A Puppet Play Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Acts Eight and Nine.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Act Nine," what does Tonase point out about Yuranosuke's income?
(a) It is always kept secret.
(b) It is comparable to her husband's.
(c) It is not enough to support a family.
(d) It is steadily growing.

2. Why do the lords gather at Tadayoshi in "Act Three"?
(a) As part of a celebration.
(b) To interview for new jobs.
(c) To stand trial.
(d) To hold a meeting.

3. In "Act Five," what does the old man tell Ono Sadakuro about his money?
(a) He found it behind the temple.
(b) He got it from selling his daughter.
(c) It is his life savings.
(d) He stole it from someone.

4. In "Act Three," when Honzo summons Moronao, why does Moronao prepare to fight?
(a) He knows he's going to be kicked out.
(b) He's angry at someone else.
(c) He believes Honzo robbed him.
(d) He thinks he is being tricked.

5. What does Ono Sadakuro do to the old man in "Act Five"?
(a) Stabs him.
(b) Ties him up.
(c) Laughs at him.
(d) Kicks him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Hangan injure Moronao in "Act Three"?

2. At the end of "Act Nine," what does Oishi tell Konami she was trying to do the whole time?

3. In "Act Eight," what do Konami and Tonase spend the act doing?

4. What does Senzaki Yagoro say about the plan to avenge Hangan's death?

5. What does Honzo give Rikiya as a gift in "Act Nine"?

(see the answer key)

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