Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Final Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Final Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when a gaucho throws the thing Juan is making?
(a) It spreads out to catch birds in the air.
(b) It will take out a rabbit if thrown correctly.
(c) It returns to the thrower after hitting its target.
(d) It wraps around the feet of an animal.

2. How long will it take for them to get there?
(a) A week.
(b) 2-3 months.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 2-3 weeks.

3. How does the mayordomo respond to what the Vaquero tells him?
(a) The mayordomo fires the Vaquero.
(b) The mayordomo becomes angry.
(c) The mayordomo becomes sad.
(d) The mayordomo says to return Chúcaro to the other ranch.

4. What does the Vaquero suggest they do?
(a) Leave that night.
(b) Let Chúcaro decide whether he wanted to be owned by Pedro or Armando.
(c) Call his brother-in-law who is a lawyer.
(d) Call his brother who is a lawyer.

5. What does the Vaquero tell the mayordomo about Chúcaro?
(a) That Chúcaro is on loan from another ranch.
(b) That Chúcaro is wild and cannot be ridden.
(c) That Pedro owns Chúcaro.
(d) That Juan owns Chúcaro.

6. Who has three strips of cowhide fitted into a Y shape?
(a) A double slingshot.
(b) A martinet.
(c) A rearing preventer.
(d) A bola.

7. Why are Juan, Carlos and the others sad for Pedro?
(a) Because Pedro will have to take Chúcaro to the other ranch.
(b) Because Pedro will have to shoot Chúcaro.
(c) Because Pedro might have to stand up to the mayordomo.
(d) Because he might lose Chúcaro.

8. What are the gauchos doing with the bulls?
(a) Riding them.
(b) Driving them into corrals.
(c) Weighing them.
(d) Branding them.

9. To whom does Armando's mother leave most of his upbringing?
(a) His grandfather.
(b) His oldest sister.
(c) Tutors.
(d) His grandmother.

10. What does Juan to do Armando?
(a) Ignores him.
(b) Slaps him.
(c) Shakes him.
(d) Tells him he is the winner.

11. What worries Juan?
(a) That Pedro will steal off in the night with Chúcaro.
(b) That Armando will be able to lasso Chúcaro.
(c) That Pedro will become like Pedro's father if he loses Chúcaro.
(d) That Juan will be held accountable for Chúcaro.

12. What are the people sure about Armando?
(a) That Pedro will beat him in a race.
(b) That Armando's father will not let his son take another boy's pony.
(c) That he will be unable to lasso Chúcaro.
(d) That Armando will not want a mean horse like Chúcaro.

13. Who accompanies Juan and Pedro until sunset?
(a) Luisa's husband.
(b) The old, third husband.
(c) Carlos.
(d) Pedro's grandfather.

14. Where is Chúcaro at the opening to Chapter 16?
(a) Lying in the mud.
(b) Trying to bite Armando.
(c) Running towards the pampa.
(d) Running around the corral in circles.

15. Who is asleep outside the mayordomo's office in Chapter 12?
(a) Juan.
(b) Carlos
(c) The Vaquero.
(d) Pedro.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say there is no such thing as a typical one?

2. With whom do Juan, Carlos and Pedro later share Maté?

3. What does Juan promise to do?

4. Why do Juan, Carlos and the others laugh at what the Vaquero says about the mayordomo?

5. What does Armando hit?

(see the answer keys)

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