Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francis Kalnay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What poster does Juan once draw?
(a) One showing Pedro on his llama.
(b) One depicting Jesus Christ as a shepherd.
(c) One showing all the rivers and tributaries in Peru.
(d) One showing all the waterfalls in his area.

2. What had Juan thrown to Pedrito?
(a) Juan's kerchief.
(b) A lollipop.
(c) A stuffed animal.
(d) A coin.

3. What does Juan do differently from usual concerning one of his kerchiefs?
(a) Ties one of his kerchiefs on Chúcaro's saddle horn.
(b) Let's Pedro's father wear one of Juan's kerchiefs.
(c) Ties his kerchief to a fence post to scare birds eating the seed.
(d) Wears his Sunday kerchief on a different day.

4. What does Juan do one day when he says he is happy?
(a) Goes to one of the dances.
(b) Takes Pedro to town.
(c) Wears a red kerchief.
(d) Shaves his mustache.

5. What does Maria guess is going on with Juan?
(a) That Juan is going to get married.
(b) She has no idea.
(c) That Juan is buying his own farm.
(d) That Juan is moving to Buenos Aires.

6. Why does the mayordomo who lives near Juan and Pedro inspire awe?
(a) He can pick up a young hefer.
(b) He can out ride anyone in the area.
(c) He can break any horse for riding within an hour.
(d) He is over six feet tall.

7. How does Juan feel about the mayordomo who lives near Juan?
(a) Juan thinks he is a good, yet incompetent, man.
(b) Juan thinks the man is incompetent.
(c) Juan believes the man is cheating his employer.
(d) Juan is not in awe of the man.

8. For what are 1000 pesos offered?
(a) To anyone who can catch the pink stallion.
(b) The wanted man in the poster.
(c) To anyone who can climb the east side of a mountain.
(d) To anyone who can ride a particularly mean bull.

9. With what is the outside of Juan's home covered?
(a) Vines.
(b) Sod.
(c) Corrugated metal.
(d) Stucco.

10. For what is the Ombu good?
(a) Shade.
(b) Supplying horses to other tribes.
(c) For sodding roofs.
(d) Supplying cattle to other tribes.

11. What does Pedro want to do when he spies the animal in the brush?
(a) Lasso it.
(b) Shoot it.
(c) Scare it away from the chickens.
(d) Tame it.

12. How often does Juan go to village dances?
(a) Twice a month.
(b) Rarely.
(c) Weekly.
(d) Never.

13. What does Juan have many of in his home?
(a) Musical instruments.
(b) Baskets.
(c) Children.
(d) Pictures.

14. What color are the spots on the animal Pedro sees?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) It has no spots.
(d) Brown.

15. Where are the waterfalls that are depicted on a poster?
(a) Pascua.
(b) Iguaçu.
(c) Cisne.
(d) Patia.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Pedro listen to Juan?

2. What is a physical feature of the mayordomo near Juan and Pedro?

3. What is the reaction of the people who live around the Pampas?

4. How old is Pedro?

5. What is a currycomb?

(see the answer keys)

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