Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the alternative name by which the preacher is popularly known?
2. What is unique about Papa D.'s sermons?
3. How does Dr. Menka solve the issue with the detained plane?
4. What role does Selina play during the discussions and events?
5. Who was approached by a mysterious group offering a business partnership?
Short Essay Questions
1. What significance does Menka's native Gumchi hold for him, and how does this influence his feelings about relocating?
2. How do Dr. Menka's initial emotions upon seeing Duyole in the hospital reflect their shared history and its impact on his feelings?
3. What challenges did Dr. Menka face when trying to send Duyole to Salzburg, and how do they show problems with bureaucracy?
4. How is Papa Davina or Papa D portrayed, and how does the society view him as a spiritual leader?
5. How does the Strong Room's psychological torture impact Badetona's mental and emotional well-being?
6. How is Badetona's current mental state contrasted with the luxury of his living situation?
7. How are Menka and Duyole close based on their talk? Why is the Gong o' Four topic important to them?
8. How does Menka react to the luxury and hospitality displayed by the Pitan-Payne family, and what internal conflict does he face as a result?
9. How has Duyole's ancestral background influenced his personal and professional journey?
10. How is Bisoye, Duyole's widow, portrayed in terms of societal expectations due to her status, and how does she react to these pressures?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People On Earth shows a mix of new ways, old traditions, and reminders of British rule. Talk about how the people, happenings, and places in the story show these differences. What does this tell us about how Nigeria is changing after British rule ended?
Essay Topic 2
The cultural significance of the kola nut bowl in the book Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People On Earth is evident. Write an essay discussing the importance of cultural practices and traditions in the narrative. How do these traditions shape interactions, decisions, and the overall tone of the story?
Essay Topic 3
Analyze the significance of the Codex Seraphinianus. How does the mention of the Codex Seraphinianus tie into the theme of secrecy and hidden transactions? Discuss its possible role as a coding mechanism in the underground body parts trade.
This section contains 934 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |