Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does the Seeker view Papa Davina despite her own societal standing?
2. Where is the Hilltop Manor located?
3. In which country does Tibidje have a profound moment involving the term "prophesite"?
4. Which controversy did Engineer Duyole Pitan-Payne uncover?
5. Who labeled the country as the "Most Extraordinarily Corrupt Nation in the World"?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Badetona balance thinking logically with feeling spiritual pressure in the story?
2. How did the prime minister, Sir Godfrey Danfere, respond to the label of the country as the Most Extraordinarily Corrupt Nation in the World?
3. How does the introduction of the rookie politician disrupt the political dynamics within the ruling party, particularly concerning Sir Goddie?
4. How does Sir Goddie react to Pitan's upcoming role at the UN? Why is this significant?
5. How does the looming threat of Boko Haram affect the atmosphere and conversations at Hilltop Manor, particularly during Nigeria's Independence Day celebrations?
6. Why do you think Papa Davina chooses to draw out and fulfill the Seeker's desires through a symbolic act instead of a straightforward conversation?
7. How does Jaiyesola support Badetona after the traumatic event, and what does this reveal about their relationship dynamic?
8. How does the exclusion from important meetings affect Duyole's emotions and perspectives on the political dynamics?
9. How has the Festival of the People’s Choice and Yeomen of the Year awards impacted the global perspective on award ceremonies?
10. Why is the title The People’s Steward important to Sir Goddie's goals for the People’s Choice Awards?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Jaiyesola has a strong faith, while Badetona does not believe as much in spiritual things. Discuss how faith plays a role in their lives and their relationship. How has Jaiyesola's strong belief helped them, and where has it caused problems? How does her belief shape how she sees their current situation?
Essay Topic 2
One of the significant narratives is the story of Mack and his gallbladder stones, which Papa Davina skillfully ties to spiritual affliction. Analyze the implications of comparing medical conditions to spiritual problems. What might the author be conveying about the dangers of over-spiritualizing real-world problems?
Essay Topic 3
Dr. Menka is a character who is deeply disturbed by the moral decay around him, especially amidst societal celebrations and awards. Analyze how his internal struggles with societal issues, such as child abuse and human rights violations, shed light on the broader challenges faced by Nigerian society.
This section contains 919 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |