Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who embarked on a world tour to restore the nation's image?
2. After his ministry gets attacked, what does Tibidje urge among different faiths?
3. What title, signifying respect and influence, was informally given to Akpanga?
4. Who surprisingly endorses Duyole for the United Nations position?
5. How does the man die in the incident that Badetona witnesses?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Duyole perceive the change in title from Prime Minister to The People’s Steward or PS?
2. How does Tibidje's blending of different religious rituals, attire, and icons in his services reflect his intended message?
3. What is the moral or lesson of the allegorical story shared by the People’s Steward about the priest and the theft of communion wine? How does it relate to the broader themes of power and perception?
4. What does governor-elect Akpanga do, and how does it change politics?
5. Why do you think Papa Davina chooses to draw out and fulfill the Seeker's desires through a symbolic act instead of a straightforward conversation?
6. How does Badetona balance thinking logically with feeling spiritual pressure in the story?
7. How did the prime minister, Sir Godfrey Danfere, respond to the label of the country as the Most Extraordinarily Corrupt Nation in the World?
8. Why is there an inherent mistrust of newcomers within the party's inner circles?
9. How does the clash between Governor Usman Bedu and Chief Ubenzy highlight society's deep value of public recognition?
10. Papa Davina emphasizes the importance of perspective to the Seeker. How does he demonstrate this concept with the experiment involving a window view?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In Pilgrim's Progress, Tibidje, also known as Papa Davina, faces many personal and outside problems. These sometimes make him doubt his religious work. Look at how these outside problems and his personal feelings affect the choices he makes in the story.
Essay Topic 2
One of the significant narratives is the story of Mack and his gallbladder stones, which Papa Davina skillfully ties to spiritual affliction. Analyze the implications of comparing medical conditions to spiritual problems. What might the author be conveying about the dangers of over-spiritualizing real-world problems?
Essay Topic 3
The cultural significance of the kola nut bowl in the book Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People On Earth is evident. Write an essay discussing the importance of cultural practices and traditions in the narrative. How do these traditions shape interactions, decisions, and the overall tone of the story?
This section contains 884 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |