Christy Test | Final Test - Hard

Catherine Marshall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Christy Test | Final Test - Hard

Catherine Marshall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The mountain folks refuse to accept the idea that typhoid bacilli can be present by the billions in their what?

2. Christy spends the night at the McHones, and the night is interrupted with Tom, his father and _______ coming into the cabin.

3. Before Christy leaves for her break with her family in Asheville, she visits who?

4. David sees the mountain folk as what?

5. One thing about the highlanders that Christy confronts but puzzles her is their intense what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Christy upset with Dr. MacNeill over the whole incident involving the blockaders?

2. Do you agree with Miss Alice still being so religious after being raped by a preacher?

3. How is the theme of teamwork illustrated, in Chapters 41 and 42?

4. Explain how Fairlight's death causes Christy to be disappointed in both herself and David.

5. What reason does Dr. MacNeill give for helping the blockaders and do you agree with it?

6. What things is David uncertain about in Chapters 29 and 30 and how do those things cause Christy to be unsure?

7. What is Christy's dream for the mountain people and how does she begin to put it into practice, in Chapters 31 and 32?

8. Describe the fears of Zady and Fairlight and what they stand for.

9. Explain how Fairlight's religious beliefs seemed to differ from, yet compare to, other residents of the Gap.

10. Explain the calling from God that Christy feels in chapters 27 and 28.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The mountain people are very self-reliant and wary of outsiders. Write about two concrete examples of that from the story. One should be an example of how that attitude helped one of them. The other should be about a time that that attitude hurt one of them. Based on your findings, write about whether you feel that self-reliance is a good or bad trait and why.

Essay Topic 2

Miss Alice plays a large role in the story.

Part 1: Define Miss Alice's role in the book, especially as it relates to Christy. Is miss Alice a teacher, mother, nurse or combination of all? Use examples from the book to support your answer.

Part 2: Do you think that Miss Alice is a good role model for Chirsty? Why or why not?

Part 3: What do you think life in the mountains would have been like for Christy if Miss Alice wasn't there?

Essay Topic 3

Lundy Taylor is a murderer and Miss Alice knows about it. Yet, she cares for Lundy anyway. Answer the following questions about that situation:

Part 1: Why do you think Miss Alice cared for Lundy?

Part 2: In your opinion, did Lundy deserve to die?

Part 3: What would you have done about Lundy's situation, if you were Miss Alice? Why would you have made that decision?

(see the answer keys)

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