China Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

China Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 203 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What month is stated as the date for both stories of the Driving Out in Alaska?
(a) July
(b) January
(c) April
(d) June

2. Which statement best describes Kingston's attitude toward the Communists?
(a) Communists are mere monkeys trying to be human beings.
(b) Communists all look the same in photographs; which are men and which are women?
(c) Communists thought they converted us, but neighbors remained true to one another.
(d) The Chinese state of Communists, like Great Grandfather said, will become a World of Communism.

3. Why was Ch'u Yuan banished from the Center and from the Royal Court?
(a) Ch'u Yuan seeks the opinion of fishermen and other non-royals.
(b) The King asks Ch'u Yuan to spread his philosophy to the outer world.
(c) The King blames Ch'u Yuan for losing the war against Ch'in.
(d) Ch'u Yuan is a spy for the Ch'in army.

4. How long does the Wild Man elude capture in the Green Swamp?
(a) eight months
(b) one month
(c) one year
(d) three months

5. What does Ch'u Yuan decide to do once he accepts that he cannot return home?
(a) Ch'u Yuan prays for with the corrupt world.
(b) Ch'u Yuan tells the river all of his tales.
(c) Ch'u Yuan jumps in the river and drowns.
(d) Ch'u Yuan starts the tradition of wrapping rice in leaves once every year

6. What does Kingston realize about men at Great Uncle Kau's funeral?
(a) Men grow very old before they die.
(b) Men have feelings too.
(c) Men must carry the casket out of the demon mortuary.
(d) Men are afraid of death.

7. What does Say Goong call a "sky chicken"?
(a) a toad
(b) a horse
(c) a fly
(d) a rooster

8. What word best describes the meaning of Ch'u Yuan's name?
(a) righteous
(b) next king
(c) peace
(d) dirty crowd

9. What is Ch'u Yuan looking for as he seeks another like him in the world?
(a) an arrogant, all-knowing citizen
(b) a lost prince trying to spread the word of peace
(c) an uncorrupted human being
(d) a phoenix dispossessed

10. In the first telling of the Driving Out of Alaska, who relocates the China Men?
(a) Chinese scab laborers
(b) Indians on a schooner
(c) White demons with guns and tools
(d) Indians in war canoes

11. Why does Sao Elder Brother become known as Mad Sao?
(a) Sao is haunted by his dead mother's ghosts and is seen and heard talking to no one.
(b) Sao returns to Red China to care for his mother before she dies.
(c) Sao is the only man in the family to be Americanized.
(d) Sao goes mad and becomes paranoid, accusing Father of stealing his money.

12. What do people in Alaska do to track events in their lives and their community?
(a) produce a weekly newspaper
(b) post bulletins around towns
(c) write in diaries
(d) hire a town crier

13. Why does Great Aunt get herself smuggled into Hong Kong?
(a) Great Aunt had lived her whole life in one village and she wanted to see a big city.
(b) Great Aunt hopes Uncle Kau will live out their last days in Hong Kong since it is not Communist.
(c) Great Aunt is being hunted by the Communist in China.
(d) Great Aunt, a ninety years old, wants to prove to herself she can get to Hong Kong without being detected.

14. What two goals does Father finally reach by the end of "The American Father"?
(a) His children go to private school and he owns his own house.
(b) He owns his own house and his own business.
(c) He has the biggest garden in Stockton and he owns his own business.
(d) His clothes fit again and mother is finally happy.

15. What response does Kingston's oldest brother get from the Filipino and other island natives when he says he is a Chinese American?
(a) Let me hear you speak English.
(b) You are lucky.
(c) You are a traitor.
(d) You'll never survive here.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do readers know that the Hundred-Year-Old Man took a job in Hawai'i that paid for passage and offered steady pay, just the same as Kingston's great grandfather?

2. To what does Kingston refer with the metaphor "the living night"?

3. Who travels to Alaska during the Driving Out to help end the violence?

4. To what city does the Filipino king send the mandarins to begin their search for the golden needle?

5. What does Kingston hear from her schoolmates that makes her long to be normal?

(see the answer keys)

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