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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Quara's brother's name?
2. Aboard Milo's starship what path does Quara suggest they take when she says they are proceeding along the wrong one?
3. Who communicates by ansible with Miro to update him on Jane's status?
4. What does Jane suggest is the symbol to mark the occasion of her and Miro's engagement?
5. Who watches Jane try to enter Young Val's body?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who is visiting Yasujiro Tsutsumi when Aimaina Hikari arrives, and how does Yasujiro Tsutsumi respond to Hikari's arrival?
2. Why does Miro tell Young Val that she is selfish and how does he feel afterward?
3. Describe how Peter responds to waking on the beach with Wang-mu curled in beside him.
4. What false disclosure does Quara make to Wang-mu, and what conclusion does Wang-mu come to about her lies?
5. What experience does Jane have for the first time in her 3,000 year existence in response to Quara, and what realization does she come to because of this?
6. What do Peter and Wang-mu see in a very old building at the university on Pacifica and what is the significance of the contents?
7. Describe Jane's exploration of the networks among the Hive Queens.
8. When Yasujiro Tsutsumi asks whether Hikari expects him to bribe the politicians to stop the fleet, how does Hikari respond?
9. What is on the latest molecular blueprint that Quara receives from the descoladore planet and what does she suggest the implication is?
10. When Jane returns to her now body to begin her existence as Val, what happens to her aiua and to Val's aiua?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Novinha remarks that Val "spins a pretty story" and Val answers, "all stories are fictions. What matters is which fiction you believe." Write an essay exploring the significance of such a quote in a fictional story. What do you think this quote says about the art of fiction?
Essay Topic 2
When Peter and Wang-mu meet Malu, they discuss whether Peter or Val is a more suitable host for Jane. Write an essay exploring the process that went into the choice for Jane's host body. What factors had to be considered? How did the transfer eventually take place?
Essay Topic 3
Think about how Plikt serves as Speaker for the Dead to Ender. He has previously performed this role for others. Research Ender's actions as Speaker for the Dead in Orson Scott Card's book of the same name. Then, write a paper comparing and contrasting Plikt and Ender's interpretation and actions in this role.
This section contains 1,000 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |