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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. If Jane dies, what, according to Miro, dies along with her?
2. Who is Valentine?
3. Who says she is "sick of letting people go"?
4. What happens at the end of the "You Don't Believe in God" chapter when Ender and Novinha reunite in the garden?
5. What is the profession of Aimaina Hikari?
Short Essay Questions
1. When Ender tries to reconcile with his wife on Lusitania, what pretense does she give for not seeing him and how does he overcome her excuse?
2. Describe the Hive Queen's and Human's discussion about finding a way to help Jane transfer to a body.
3. Describe Malu's entrance for his meeting with Wang-mu and Peter.
4. Describe the events surrounding Ender's collapse in the Filho's courtyard.
5. Describe Miro and Young Val's arrival at the Hive and what they encounter in the passages on the way to see the Hive Queen.
6. How does Ender's attention affect Val in "Life is a Suicide Mission" and how does she react to it?
7. Describe the game that goes on as Peter and Wang-mu arrive at Hikara's place.
8. Who claims that "life is a suicide mission," and why?
9. After losing many other men, for what does Novinha tell Ender she will hold him personally responsible and how can Ender avoid this responsibility?
10. Why do Peter and Wang-mu not have to learn a new language on Divine Wood and what language is spoken?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
There are many examples of forgiveness in the novel. For example, early in the novel, Novinha forgives Ender for the death of her son, Quim. Write an essay exploring the many acts of forgiveness in the novel and explaining how forgiveness serves as an underlying theme.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay exploring how the themes of benevolence and survival play out against each other in the search for a new home for Jane's aiua throughout the novel.
Essay Topic 3
There is much attention given in the novel to the settling in of Wang-mu and Peter to their new place on Divine Wood. Write an essay exploring the importance of this "settling in" in a novel where a premium is placed on travel.
This section contains 912 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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