Children of the Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of the Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Quim die?
(a) From a gunshot wound.
(b) From a bite of a mosquito.
(c) From an arrow to the heart.
(d) From descolada.

2. Grace is a philosopher that writes under the name Grace _____.
(a) Thinker.
(b) Drinker.
(c) Runner.
(d) Writer.

3. During Ender and Novinha's conversation in the garden, Novinha says that she loves and misses Ender ____ than she ever did Libo.
(a) Differently.
(b) More.
(c) Less.
(d) Equally.

4. Orbiting the planet of the Descoladores, which of the following characters is not one of the ones that Miro and Val decide to go home to get?
(a) Ela.
(b) Quara.
(c) Peter.
(d) Hive Queen.

5. How does Old Val propose that Novinha save Jane?
(a) By persuading Young Val to give up her body.
(b) By giving Ender permission to die.
(c) By giving her own body to Jane.
(d) By keeping Ender alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Libo's relationship to Novinha?

2. In Chapter 1, who insists that Peter better "be nice" to her?

3. What is causing Young Val to fade away?

4. Whose name does Ender call out to when Plikt is by his bedside?

5. What do Malu's followers do after Malu leaves his first visit with Peter and Wang-mu?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does Ender give Novinha for reconciling with him and how does she refute his argument?

2. How was Peter called into being and why does this cause problems?

3. By what name does Malu refer to Jane and why?

4. How does Miro convince Young Val to see the Hive Queen at the beginning of "Nobody is Rational"?

5. How do Human and the Hive Queen try to capture Jane's aiua, and what conclusion do they come to when they are unsuccessful?

6. Describe the Hive Queen's and Human's discussion about finding a way to help Jane transfer to a body.

7. At the beginning of the novel, what does Jane do while Miro and Young Valentine scout for new habitable planets? What will happen after Jane is finished with her task?

8. What does the Hive Queen suggest about the mission that Jane is sending Miro and Young Val on and how does Miro confront Jane about this issue?

9. What work have Miro and Young Valentine been engaged in since shortly after working out the logistics of faster than light travel and how quickly are they able to complete this work?

10. Describe the reconciliation between Novinha and Ender in the garden.

(see the answer keys)

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