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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In the "Nobody is Rational" chapter, where does Ender collapse?
(a) In his backyard.
(b) In the Filho's courtyard.
(c) He doesn't collapse.
(d) On his way to Divine Wood.
2. Why does Malu suggest Val might be a better host than Peter for Jane?
(a) She is strong enough to handle Jane's temper.
(b) She is a female.
(c) She is more powerful.
(d) She is more gentle and altruistic.
3. Why is combining the memories of Jane and Young Val possibly dangerous?
(a) It could cause Val to lose a sense of herself.
(b) It could cause friends to fail to recognize them.
(c) It could cause Jane to lose a sense of herself.
(d) It could cause insanity.
4. What does the ship Peter and Wang-mu use to fly to Divine Wood look like?
(a) An airplane.
(b) A rocket.
(c) An aluminum can.
(d) A large box.
5. What is Outspace?
(a) A country.
(b) Literally out of space.
(c) A theory of the universe.
(d) A planet.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Libo's relationship to Novinha?
2. When Old Val slaps Plikt across the face, what does she say to her?
3. Who does Wang-mu become aware of standing beside her and holding her hand as Jane dies?
4. How old was Ender when he left Earth?
5. How does the Hive Queen warn Miro and Val that she does not want to help them while they are on the way to see her?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Old Val compliment Miro to Young Val and why?
2. Describe Malu's entrance for his meeting with Wang-mu and Peter.
3. What does Peter tell Wang-mu to do while they are quarreling aboard the faster-than-light ship, and how does she respond?
4. After losing many other men, for what does Novinha tell Ender she will hold him personally responsible and how can Ender avoid this responsibility?
5. What language does Malu speak during his meeting with Wang-mu and Peter and how does this affect the conversation?
6. What reason does Ender give Novinha for reconciling with him and how does she refute his argument?
7. Why does Grace's husband laugh when Peter asks if he and Wang-mu can go see Malu and to what does he compare Peter's request?
8. How do Human and the Hive Queen try to capture Jane's aiua, and what conclusion do they come to when they are unsuccessful?
9. Describe the events surrounding Ender's collapse in the Filho's courtyard.
10. By what name does Malu refer to Jane and why?
This section contains 873 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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