Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of the Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Aimaina Hikari respond when Yasujiro Tsutsumi asks if he is supposed to bribe the politicians to stop the fleet?
(a) Aimaina Hikari says if they don't agree to kill them.
(b) Aimaina Hikari says to go ahead and bribe them.
(c) Aimaina Hikari says that bribery will not be enough.
(d) Aimaina Hikari says there are a thousand legal ways to influence their votes.

2. Who presses the button to start the "godproof computer network"?
(a) The university president.
(b) Malu.
(c) Jane.
(d) Peter.

3. What type of relationship do the Hive Queen and Jane settle into after Jane is in Val's body?
(a) No relationship at all.
(b) A sibling relationship.
(c) A friend to friend relationship.
(d) A mother-daughter relationship.

4. What quality does Jane possess that makes her more than human after she enters Val's body?
(a) She has the ability to recover from defeat and injury more quickly.
(b) She can access all the ansible communication in the universe.
(c) She has a photographic memory.
(d) She doesn't have real feelings.

5. When Jane begins crying for the first time, what does she tell Miro?
(a) That he reminds her of Ender.
(b) That he is beautiful.
(c) That his sister is a terrible person.
(d) That he is mean.

6. After the M.D. device is detected, why won't Jane push it outside?
(a) She wants the M.D. device to detonate.
(b) If it detonates "outside" it could cause irreparable harm to their dimension.
(c) She is too weak.
(d) She is too busy moving people off of Lusitania.

7. What is the relationship of Yasujiro Tsutsumi to Aimaina Hikari?
(a) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's business partner.
(b) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's former teacher.
(c) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's former student.
(d) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's father.

8. How does Plikt feel regarding the death of Ender?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Devastated.
(c) Angry.
(d) Happy.

9. Why is Admiral Lands uncomfortable with the role of commanding the deployment of the M.D. device?
(a) He is afraid he will die.
(b) He will be remembered as the second Xenocide.
(c) He does not like being in charge.
(d) His wife is still on Lusitania.

10. Who does Admiral Lands arrest after he receives the stop command from the Starways Congress?
(a) Causo.
(b) Yasujiro Tsutsumi.
(c) Miro.
(d) Peter.

11. Why is Quara upset that Peter gave the Little Doctor back?
(a) She wanted to give the Little Doctor back herself.
(b) She does not trust anyone and feels that Peter is ruining her family.
(c) She says it would have been useful in destroying the descoladore planet.
(d) She thinks that Peter is weak.

12. After Wang-mu calls Peter back when his aiua starts drifting away, who serves the two of them dinner?
(a) The Samoans.
(b) The pequeninos.
(c) Yasujiro Tsutsumi.
(d) The mothertrees.

13. How many years has it taken to undo the damage from the destruction of the buggers' home planet?
(a) 40,000 years.
(b) 3,000 years.
(c) 10 years.
(d) 130 years.

14. What is Quara's brother's name?
(a) Peter.
(b) Miro.
(c) Quim.
(d) Ender.

15. Which of the following things can Miro not provide for Jane in their marriage?
(a) Intimacy.
(b) Increased awarness.
(c) Children.
(d) Support.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Jane leaves Ender's body where does she go?

2. After Yasujiro Tsutsumi's request to stop the fleet is approved, where is Yasujiro sent?

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Novinha in "This Has Always Been Your Body"?

4. When Peter opens his eyes on the beach, what does he tell everyone he dreamed about?

5. Who uses the example of Ender killing two boys in Battle School to support their argument?

(see the answer keys)

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