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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the relationship of Yasujiro Tsutsumi to Aimaina Hikari?
(a) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's father.
(b) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's former teacher.
(c) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's former student.
(d) Yasujiro Tsutsumi is Aimaina Hikari's business partner.
2. Who presses the button to start the "godproof computer network"?
(a) Malu.
(b) Peter.
(c) The university president.
(d) Jane.
3. What type of relationship do the Hive Queen and Jane settle into after Jane is in Val's body?
(a) A sibling relationship.
(b) A friend to friend relationship.
(c) No relationship at all.
(d) A mother-daughter relationship.
4. How many years has it taken to undo the damage from the destruction of the buggers' home planet?
(a) 3,000 years.
(b) 40,000 years.
(c) 10 years.
(d) 130 years.
5. On what planet are Peter and Wang-mu invited to witness the restart of the "godproof computer network"?
(a) Divine Wind.
(b) Path.
(c) Descolada.
(d) Pacifica.
6. When the ansible is not in communication with the Starways Congress's ansibles, who does it communicate with?
(a) The Hive Queen computers.
(b) The Bugger network.
(c) The "godproof compter network".
(d) The computers in the old part of the building.
7. Why do Human and the Hive Queen comment that the mothertrees can only be a temporary home for Jane?
(a) If Jane stays too long she will destroy the mothertrees.
(b) Jane needs a real body and not a tree persona.
(c) Jane will get bored too fast.
(d) The mothertrees are too strong for Jane to enjoy them for long.
8. Aboard Milo's starship what path does Quara suggest they take when she says they are proceeding along the wrong one?
(a) She says they should never have put Jane in charge of the mission.
(b) She says they should examine pre and post-human contact forms of the virus.
(c) She says they should go to Lusitania to collect the rest of the humans.
(d) She says they should find a map.
9. How does Plikt feel regarding the death of Ender?
(a) Devastated.
(b) Angry.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Happy.
10. When Jane begins crying for the first time, what does she tell Miro?
(a) That his sister is a terrible person.
(b) That he reminds her of Ender.
(c) That he is mean.
(d) That he is beautiful.
11. What false disclosure does Quara make to Wang-mu aboard Miro's craft?
(a) She says that she has had an abortion.
(b) She says she was molested by her brother.
(c) She says she has five children.
(d) She says she is in love with Peter.
12. Who give Peter and Wang-mu the tour of the "godproof computer network"?
(a) The Hive Queen.
(b) Malu.
(c) Grace's son.
(d) Admiral Lands.
13. Why is the Hive Queen jealous of Jane?
(a) Because Jane attacked Quara first.
(b) Because Jane knows Human in a way the Hive Queen can't.
(c) Because Jane is pretty.
(d) Because Jane is more powerful than she is.
14. Why are the networks among the Hive Queens familiar to Jane?
(a) They were an integral part of her birth.
(b) Her mom was a Bugger.
(c) She is not familiar with them.
(d) She is sisters with the Hive Queen.
15. After the M.D. device is detected, why won't Jane push it outside?
(a) If it detonates "outside" it could cause irreparable harm to their dimension.
(b) She is too weak.
(c) She wants the M.D. device to detonate.
(d) She is too busy moving people off of Lusitania.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is something new that Jane experiences as a human in her argument with Quara aboard the starship?
2. What quality does Jane possess that makes her more than human after she enters Val's body?
3. Hikari tells Yasujiro Tsutsumi that he is upset with all their people since they have forgotten the lesson of history? What is this lesson?
4. When Peter awakens on the beach in "You Called Me Back from Darkness," who is next to him?
5. What does Olhado give Plower?
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