Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jerry Stanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jerry Stanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Five: Mr. Hart.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the arrival of the Okies, cotton pickers in California were paid how much per hour?
(a) 5 cents.
(b) 10 cents.
(c) 50 cents.
(d) 25 cents.

2. From 1930 through 1940, the number of dust bowl farmers declined by how many?
(a) 100,000.
(b) 300,000.
(c) 200,000.
(d) 400,000.

3. Some California teachers segregated the Okie children and made them sit where?
(a) In the back.
(b) By the girls.
(c) Outside.
(d) On the floor.

4. Where did the roads begin climbing into the Black Mountains as the Okies traveled west?
(a) Whitney, California.
(b) Kingman, Arizona.
(c) Anderson, Arizona.
(d) Santa Fe, New Mexico.

5. The starvation diets and unsanitary conditions of the Okie communities led to disease including tuberculosis, pneumonia and what?
(a) Cholera.
(b) Dysentery.
(c) Gangrene.
(d) Syphillis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where had Leo Hart gone to recover after his military service?

2. Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath?

3. What office did Leo Hart decide to run for in Chapter Five: Mr. Hart?

4. The average migrant farmhand during the Dust Bowl period worked how many hours a day?

5. The great winds of the Dust Bowl began in what year?

(see the answer key)

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